[Reviews - 42] LikedPrinter

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Episode 14 - When Death Comes - The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter are visited by death and are taken one by one...


Episode 15 - A Stitch in Spacetime - The U.S.S. Hunter is caught in a paradox caused by a malfunction of its new experimental warp drive. Wesley Crusher arrives to help... only to find Wesley Crusher has already arrived... and Wesley Crusher...


Episode 16 - Slavers - Orion slave runners are causing serious problems for the Federation, putting several planets at risk... Including Vulcan...

Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Expanded Universes Characters: Bashir, Julian, Crusher, Wesley
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 43 Completed: Yes
Word count: 48757 Read: 38111
Published: 04 May 2020 Updated: 02 Sep 2020

1. Episode 14.1 - When Death Comes: Layover by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1649 words)

Justice Minerva Irons has far too much to do in the wake of the attack on her crew by Andoria First...

2. Episode 14.2 - When Death Comes: Secret Summit at Ba Sing Se by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (608 words)

Four very important people hold a secret meeting with Justice Minerva Irons in the Imperial Palace at Ba Sing Se...

3. Episode 14.3 - When Death Comes: Phaser Signatures by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (834 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's forensic lab swings into action, analyzing the bodies of the murdered members of Andoria First...

4. Episode 14.4 - When Death Comes: Quack Attack by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1147 words)

Lt. Commander Kenny Dolphin, U.S.S. Hunter's Director of Flight Operations, takes his team out to develop some new maneuvers...

5. Episode 14 - When Death Comes by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (650 words)

Introduction for Episode 14: When Death Comes by Commander David Pepper, Ph.D., 1st Officer, U.S.S. Hunter

6. Episode 14.5 - When Death Comes: Taking One for the Team by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1254 words)

Lt. T'Lon and Ensign Tolon discuss a new assignment for the U.S.S. Hunter's tactical squad...

7. Episode 14.6 - When Death Comes: Running in Circles by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1607 words)

During a routine training run, flight operation personnel suddenly attack the U.S.S. Hunter at the same moment the executive staff are suddenly incapacitated...

8. Episode 14.7 - When Death Comes: Trill Seeking by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1986 words)

As the crew of the U.S.S. Hunter quickly succomb to an unnamed fear, Lt. Cmdr. Dolphin barely manages to stay one step ahead of the cascading disaster...

9. Episode 14.8 - When Death Comes: The Dead by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1794 words)

The dead walk among the Hunter's crew, taking victims...

10. Episode 14.9 - When Death Comes: Messages From the Other Side by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1554 words)

The dead speak....

11. Episode 14.10 - When Death Comes: Waterloo by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1512 words)

Lt. Napoleon Boles is the only officer left onboard the Hunter... facing an impossible task to try to save the crew that had adopted him...

12. Episode 14.11 - When Death Comes: Stitches by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (670 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter escapes and the crew start to recover... Then disaster strikes...

This is the final scene for Episode 14. The story continues in Episode 15 - A Stitch in Spacetime.

13. Episode 15.1 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Carrera Detached by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1307 words)

Lt. Carrera is promoted and transferred out of JAG to another command...

14. Episode 15 - A Stitch In Spacetime by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (546 words)

Introduction to Episode 15: A Stitch in Spacetime Attributed to Wesley Crusher, inventor of the recursive warp engine

15. Episode 15.2 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Free Love Wes by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1187 words)

Dr. Carrera's old teacher and co-inventor of the Recursive Warp (Zip Drive) arrives to save the day...

16. Episode 15.3 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Wesley Crusher Prime by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (897 words)

Another Wesley Crusher arrives to save the day...

17. Episode 15.4 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Crusherman by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (670 words)

Here he comes to save the day.... It's a bird... It's a plane... It's...

18. Episode 15.5 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Old Man Crusher by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (550 words)

And yet another Wesley arrives... And he's rather irritated...

19. Episode 15.6 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Bob by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1068 words)

Another person shows up to help - a friendly alien famous within Star Fleet...

20. Episode 15.7 - A Stitch In Spacetime: The Nine Lives of Dr. Sarekson Carrera by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1307 words)

Dr. Carrera arrives to help out...

21. Episode 15.8 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Out With the Old by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1199 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's tactical squad take their leave of the rest of the crew for their new assignment on Ocean...

22. Episode 15.9 - A Stitch In Spacetime: In With the New by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1420 words)

The new tactical squad has arrived. They kick butt, they're tall, they're gorgeous, they're sexy, and they can read your mind...

23. Episode 15.10 - A Stitch In Spacetime: The Sun, the Moon and All the Stars by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (670 words)

And the U.S.S. Hunter's team needs a new mathematician. And Dr. Moon has found a famous one... 

This is the final scene for Episode 15. The story continues with Episode 16 - Slavers.

24. Episode 16.1 - Slavers: Flying By the Seat of their Pants by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1319 words)

Pivin and Oarama fly through the badlands in EVA suits to escape Orion slavers...

25. Episode 16 - Slavers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (686 words)

Introduction for Episode 16: Slavers by Pomm Irons, Population Specialist (and spy runner)

26. Episode 16.2 - Slavers: Possum-Chicken by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1608 words)

Captain Chekov leads a task force on a dangerous mission to take out the Orion slaving operation...

27. Episode 16.3 - Slavers: Self Sealing Stem Bolts by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (712 words)

The new Ensign in the U.S.S. Hunter's engineering department has a big problem to solve.

28. Episode 16.4 - Slavers: The Needs of the Many by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (744 words)

Section 31 Director Julian Bashir has ordered the death of personality for a dangerous romulan intelligence agent...

29. Episode 16.5 - Slavers: Lord Wooten-Sandleigh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1077 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's newest crew member (also one of the oldest) is a renowned mathematition - and he has another big problem to solve...

30. Episode 16.6 - Slavers: The Battle of Coridan Corridor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (784 words)

Captain Chekov leads a dangerous and heroic operation against the Orion slave masters at the hotly contested Coridan Corridor just on the Federation side of the border...

31. Episode 16.7 - Slavers: And Then There Were Three by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1510 words)

The surviving Section 31 agents on the U.S.S. Hunter meet to consider what may have gone wrong with the Federations most secretive black ops corps...

32. Episode 16.8 - Slavers: Tolon's Women by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (497 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's new tactical squad - 4 tall, beautiful women - disguise themselves as Orion Slave-Girls... And they bury themselves in the part...

33. Episode 16.9 - Slavers: Vengeon-Roux by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1480 words)

Oarama and Pivin come across a small community of Romulan refugees on the rogue planet known as Vengeon-Roux...

34. Episode 16.10 - Slavers: TPD Unit 1-ADM-12 by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1462 words)

A Trantor police cutter catches up with the U.S.S. Hunter and brings an unexpected replacement for the late Investigator Lynhart Shran...

35. Episode 16.11 - Slavers: The F.M.S. Usotro by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (731 words)

Dr. Tali Shae and Ensign Tolon Reeves, along with his tactical squad, hitch a ride on a ferengi merchant ship..

36. Episode 16.12 - Slavers: The Market (Part 1 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1313 words)

Dr. Tali Shae, Ensign Tolon and the U.S.S. Hunter's tactical squad (disguised as Orion Slave Girls) hitch a ride on a Ferengi merchant ship and travel to a slave market to purchase their captain's grandson-in-law...

37. Episode 16.13 - Slavers: The Market (Part 2 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1190 words)

...And the best laid plans rapidly turn to utter chaos. Especially when a giant klingon warrior goes on a rampage...

38. Episode 16.14 - Slavers: The Badlands by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1211 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's leadership team comes up with a plan to rescue Oarama and Pivin from the rogue planet, Vengeons-Roux...

39. Episode 16.15 - Slavers: Pod People by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1564 words)

Lt. Cmdr. Dolphin, the U.S.S. Hunter's Director of Flight Operations, leads a rescue mission using the only vehicles small enough to get through the plasma clouds - the Hunter's escape pods...

40. Episode 16.16 - Slavers: The Second Battle for Pillo by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1402 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's executive staff are aboard the U.S.S. Galaxy when they get the news about an unsuccessful nausicaan attempt to take the planet Pillo... 

41. Episode 16.17 - Slavers: 2 Romulas by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (971 words)

Pivin the Betrayer explains intricate Romulan politics to Justice Minerva Irons...

42. Episode 16.18 - Slavers: The Solution by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1297 words)

Ensign Geoffrey Horation Alstars solves a big problem - and nome too soon...

43. Episode 16.19 - Slavers: A Voice in the Dark by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1113 words)

Justice Minerva Irons has a very uncomfortable encounter with the Director of Section 31... Julian Bashir...

This is the final scene for Episode 16. The story will continue in Star Trek Hunter - PART SIX OF NINE - Episodes 17-19.