Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 27 Jan 2021 22:14 Title: Episode 19.14: The Ivonovic Commission - Return to Pern

Date: 27 Jan 2021 22:14 Title: Episode 19.14: The Ivonovic Commission - Return to Pern
Looks as if Chekov is the ally Dolphin and Hunter need here. Although I seem to remember that this is the same man who got a lot of fellow Starfleet officers killed. Tread with caution.
Good to see the giant waterbirds again.
Author's Response:
And that was the action that got him prooted to rear admiral. Dolphin has made a few valuable allies, not the least of which is Ivonovic...
The giant waterbirds had their genesis in a line I mentioned early on about the Sanctuary of the Waterbirds on Cophus II, which meant we had to go there, and i had to produce some waterbirds...
Thanks!! rbs