Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 25 Jan 2021 21:16 Title: Episode 19.12: The Ivonovic Commission - Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart

Date: 25 Jan 2021 21:16 Title: Episode 19.12: The Ivonovic Commission - Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart
I was all set to talk about the suprisingly high number of Romulans now on Vulcan but there's clearly a much bigger story here.
This loss of Vulcan has been made possible by a massive conspiracy within Starfleet and the Federation the likes of which would excite QAnon (well, maybe not that) But still, big and scary and actually real.
Author's Response:
Sela was in a big hurry to resettle the refugees from Romulus - they were more mouths than she could feed and a threat to her power base.
Definitely a well-resourced operation to pull off such a big caper. And bound to rile up the right-wing reactionaries since they clearly have a real conspiracy to point to...
Thanks!! rbs