Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 23 Jan 2021 22:37 Title: Episode 19.10: The Ivonovic Commission - Cocoon

Date: 23 Jan 2021 22:37 Title: Episode 19.10: The Ivonovic Commission - Cocoon
Gotta give it to the blind emperor, he knows how to give a speech. Although one can't help wonder if these kinda news would not have better been delivered in a closed door session. I suppose that's not his style.
Continued to be impressed by the complexities of this Trek tale which is both an action-adventure, a political thriller, and everything in between.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words!
Sin IV is nothing if not a risk taker - he loves to make a big splash - and to keep people guessing. The philosopher tyrant.
Thanks!! rbs