Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 21 Jan 2021 21:30 Title: Episode 19.8: The Ivonovic Commission - The Eye

Date: 21 Jan 2021 21:30 Title: Episode 19.8: The Ivonovic Commission - The Eye
It looks as if Canada plays a much bigger role in this than I expected. And that's certainly a neat trick he's got there to arrange private meetings.
As for Hunter, eye of the storm is probably the nice way of putting it.
Author's Response:
When I created Johnny, I only created him as a foil for Lyhnart Shran in Ep. 12. But he just kept being useful for explaining things and bringing people together. He was kind of inspired by the NYC police department's intelligence division, which developed a massive overseas operation after 9/11.
Thanks!! rbs