Date: 19 Jan 2021 21:06 Title: Episode 19.6: The Ivonovic Commission - Syrtis Major
That was certainly an unexpected encounter. Wesley Crusher, or a version of him, at least, seems to show up in STH all over the place.
Normally, that's a sign of concern but you infuse him with far more comedic tones than he ever had on TV, and pairing him with the Doctor is certainly a splendid idea.
Very curious where you take this.
Author's Response:
Wesley does come in for some rather sickening treatment in the hands of varios fanfic writers and is easily the Jar Jar Binks of the franchise. But the way he left STNG gave him an interesting potential somewhere between human and Q, which gives me the opportunity to use an ancient, fully realized Old Man Crusher as a kind of Gandalf character. In addition to Free Love Wes' role in inventing the Hunter's zip drive (also more Gandalf than hands-on.) That gives him great comedic potential.
I suspect it is one of the very few fanfic treatments of Wesley that Will Wheaton would actually enjoy.
Thanks!! rbs