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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 14 Jan 2021 20:17 Title: Episode 19.2: The Ivonovic Commission - The I.K.V. 'Iw Hov

Cute but deadly. Didn't see that coming. Nice bit of misdirect.

Not so sure if the two surviving Klingons are just going to start taking orders from a Starfleet officer. On the other hand, I suppose, a fight with Pep and Mlady wouldn't be a wise choice. Very few wise Klingons though.

Author's Response:

Pep is widely admired among the klingons as a scholar for his disseratation on klingon poetry. Which is why the klingons know him as Doctor Pepper.

The gamorlan were a rather tempermental race - and the five clones the klingons beamed aboard were elderly... better stay off their lawn..

Thanks!! rbs

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