Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 13 Jan 2021 20:39 Title: Episode 19.1: The Ivonovic Commission - Bird Hunting

Date: 13 Jan 2021 20:39 Title: Episode 19.1: The Ivonovic Commission - Bird Hunting
Pep and Mlady stuck on a ship with hostile Klingons? I feel bad for the Klingons. And this ship itself may be within a Romulan dreadnought like some sort of intergalactic turducken. Definitely want to see that show.
Getting your officers to change uniform for a temporary change in position felt a bit extreme but perhaps Irons is a bit old fashioned that way.
Author's Response:
Irons is nothing if not hard core...
And things might not be exactly a picnic on that klingon ship. Glad you're looking forward to it..
Thanks!! rbs