Date: 02 Jan 2021 12:45 Title: Episode 18.6: World on Fire - Gamorlan Ground Mission
Not sure it ever occurred to me that Romulans are as strong as Vulcans. But that makes sense. Interesting that here Vulcans are stronger than Klingons. I could be mistaken but I don't think canon ever determined that.
Although, I'm sure it's never been particularly consistent anyway. E.g. T'Pol on Enterprise didn't seem to have any physical strength advantages to much of the rest of the crew, if I remember right, whereas Spock clearly had a of physical strength in TOS.
Why am I suddenly craving some sort of multi-species fight club?
Author's Response:
I kind of based that on humans reliably standing up in hand to hand combat with klingons but being easily overpowered by vulcans. There is a split - original series klingons were reliably much stronger than humans, but the bumpy forehead lot weren't. STE addressed that by depicting the original series smooth-pated klingons as having augmented human genetics, which gave the human augments super strength. (I make a nod to this in Ep 27.)
I think STNG and forward conveniently sidestepped strength difference between species because it would inhibit combat scenes. And even STE showed Captain Archer knocking out a vulcan priest with a single punch (apparently he was from a rare family of glass-jaw vulcans.)
I think a Trek fight club series would be wildly popular... dibs??
Thanks!! rbs