Date: 02 Jan 2021 12:41 Title: Episode 18.5: World on Fire - Flare Up
That's certainly a creative approach vector, hiding as part of a solar flare, I like it.
I have images in my head of a planet crumbling in the wake of Hunter's suped-up warp drive. We'll see if the planet survives it. I guess wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it didn't, seeing that the natives are long gone and the Romulans are up to no good.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the loosly used scientism... I think my solar physics would gel with Star Treknology. Whether Niel DeGrasse Tyson would buy it? I'm fairly certain I've let out a few whoppers in this series that he would call me on. I've already gone back and made a few edits where my ongoing understanding of astrophysics makes it clear I made some leaps of imagination in the wrong direction.
I'm fairly certain Treknology wouldn't be able to easily cause a planet to crumble - that was a big task for 25th Century romulans in Trek 2009. But ruining the biosphere of a planet would be disturbingly easy and is a bit of a plothole for some of the big Trek war sequences - especially in DS9.
Thanks for thinking these technobabble heavy scenes through with me! rbs