Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 6 - Episodes 17 - 19
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 09 Dec 2020 20:48 Title: Episode 17.3: Terms of Surrender - Vulcana Reger

Date: 09 Dec 2020 20:48 Title: Episode 17.3: Terms of Surrender - Vulcana Reger
Well, that took an unexpected turn. Nicely done. This could be some sort of psychological warfare technique or it might be that Nikato is no Gul Dukat and understands the meaning of winning hearts and minds (or whatever the equivalent on Vulcan) which just may make this occupation even more scary.
Author's Response:
Like Krull, Nikato only pretends to be a big dumb brute.. Glad you're enjoying my unpredictable giants.
Thanks!! rbs