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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2020 23:43 Title: Episode 16.17 - Slavers: 2 Romulas

Interesting rationale for the invasion of Vulcan by the Romulans. I had forgotten that this is taking place post the Hobus Incident.

One thing that seems odd to me is Vulcans location in relation to the Romualn Empire. I could be mistaken, of course, but isn't Vulcan deep in Federation space? If so, the Romulans may struggle to get a massive space lift into Vulcan going as they'd find themselves surrounded by a hostile Federation and Starfleet.

Interestingly, this theme is not too dissimilar to recent events depicted in Discovery, though that show is getting increasingly implausible to me for my money. And I appreciate Hunter predates the current season of Disc, I believe.

Author's Response:

I've only seen the first episode of Discovery and Picard - and that was after I had written 23.15 JAG Wars - The Venus Incident. STD didn't really enthuse me despite Michelle Yeoh - one of my favorite actors. And I realized I couldn't watch STP until I was finished writing STH. I wrote the last scene for STH, 19.5 The Ivonovic Commission - Stroke of Luck, on 10/20. (I didn't write all of this in order - I wrote the beginning, some of the middle and the end first and then filled in the middle.)

I looked at a lot of star charts when doing the research. Most of them showed Earth uncomfortably close to the Klingon border and Vulcan uncomfortably close to the Romulan border. Which kind of tracks with the travel times from Earth to Qo'noS and from Vulcan to Romulus in the various movies, STE and STNG. It's still a journey of several days in both cases. But the romulans do have the advantage of cloaking technology...

Glad you found the politics interesting. More on that to come... Thanks!! rbs

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