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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Nov 2020 10:50 Title: Episode 15.9 - A Stitch In Spacetime: In With the New

A really interesting new tactical team makes an appearance. Love the fact that they are an all-female team and not just because they are attractive. Women in traditional male roles are often still portrayed as an oddity or are a token presence.

That should be very different in the 24th century, so I like that. I also think its pretty cool that they are all tall. A bit of a pet peeve of mine is that Hollywood loves to cast small and petite looking women. So that's what we often get to see. You're going against that stereotype here.

On the other hand, considering the history of this ship, the fact that they are all one race, even if it is Betazoid rather than Bolian, Trill or Vulcan who have shown to be vulnerable to certain types of attack, sounds like it could lead to a whole lot of trouble.

Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words - really glad you liked this one! 

I had actually planned them into the story from the beginning - a mid-story refresh with several new characters. I created this team before creating the group they replaced. Two more new people to add...

Thanks!! rbs

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