Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 5 - Episodes 14 - 16
Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Oct 2020 12:11 Title: Episode 15.2 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Free Love Wes
Date: 31 Oct 2020 12:11 Title: Episode 15.2 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Free Love Wes
I never considered the comedic side of a time loop but you certainly make it work. And I'm not just talking about the funky attire people are sporting here as if it were dress-up day.
Now the question is, what the blazes is going on and who does our evil Vulcan fit into all this?
Author's Response:
Douglas Adams wrote that the greatest victim of time travel is verb tense and that time travelers had to invent several new verb tenses to handle things like something they did in the past, but they haven't gone back and done it yet... But the future perfect tense was done away with because it turns out the future isn't.
Thanks! rbs