Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 5 - Episodes 14 - 16
Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Oct 2020 12:04 Title: Episode 15.1 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Carrera Detached
Date: 31 Oct 2020 12:04 Title: Episode 15.1 - A Stitch In Spacetime: Carrera Detached
Ah, a time loop ala "Cause and Effect" is the answer to the trivia questions posed in the last installment. I should have known, since I'm using a similar device in QD. Although perhaps not quite to the same hilarious effect.
The second part here is more serious and perfectly showcases why the majority of people encountering temporal paradoxes get monster headaches. It's already starting for me.
What an appropriate read for Halloween!
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying it! My favorite line in all of ST was in DS9 when Miles O'Brien and Miles O'Brien say, in unison, "I hate temporal mechanics..."
Thanks!! rbs