Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 4 - Episodes 11 - 13
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 10 Oct 2020 11:41 Title: Episode 13.16 - Imperial Script

Date: 10 Oct 2020 11:41 Title: Episode 13.16 - Imperial Script
I'm detecting another theme in this series. Books and libraries.
Interesting conclusion to what has been a rather gut-punchy chapter. Not yet sure what it all means and why the Andorian Emperor is getting involved.
Mysteries for the next few stories, I'm sure.
Author's Response:
Sin Shav is an astute judge of character and Emory has earned his meeting with the enigmatic andorian tyrant.
Good call about the books and libraries. There are a few more libraries to come and the math treatises from the Library of the Progenitors are about to become important...
Thanks!! rbs