Date: 07 Oct 2020 19:27 Title: Episode 13.11 - Lower Trantor
There's sure a lot of currency being exchanged for a city within Federation territory not to mention the violence. Not quite the paradise it was made out to be, I guess.
Also, looks like a lot of Hunter's crew hails from somewhere on this planet. Coincidence?
Author's Response:
Cun Ling is the second most populated planet in the Federation after Earth. With nearly 3 billion people in Trantor alone, there's a fair chance every crew has someone from Trantor. And with that many people, there's bound to be a dark underbelly.
In part, STH is about exposing the dark underside to the Federation. Utopia is never perfect. The Trills have a nasty secret. Dark things lurk in the hidden cities of Cun Ling. There's Earth First, Andoria First... the Vulcan runification movement... A tyrant on Andoria... And then there's Secition 31... And, of course, Emory.
Thanks!! rbs