Date: 07 Oct 2020 19:20 Title: Episode 13.10 - Thumbnail
No, sorry I can't. Anything to do with fingernails and torture is a no-go for me. Just can't handle it.
I made it through this chapter but only barely. Had to skip a bunch of stuff.
Although I did appreciate the fact that for once humans have an advantage over aliens. It's much more commonplace to read about all those races who are inherently stronger, faster or smarter than the average Joe.
Author's Response:
There is definitely a horror element to STH, but I think the only other scene you will need to skip is 24.8 A Trillian Problem - Cinqronicity, which is a rather gruesome description of a symbiant taking a host against her will.
That said, the Hunter's crew is in for a rough time.
Glad you enjoyed the human advantage. Our best trick is adaptability.
Thanks!! rbs