Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 4 - Episodes 11 - 13
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:54 Title: Episode 13.7 - The Homely House, Numinor

Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:54 Title: Episode 13.7 - The Homely House, Numinor
It's been a while since Hunter's central theme has made an appearance. Here it returns courtesy of some obvious prejudice but is handled with great humor. Something tells me it's not going to stay this way for long.
Author's Response:
I do have some rather bonkers humor with Mallory, Wesley Crusher and the Doctor, but my favorite kind is just the humor that arises from normal interaction. Glad you enjoyed it!
And you're not wrong in your premonition...
Thanks!! rbs