Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 4 - Episodes 11 - 13
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:44 Title: Episode 13.4 - Pern

Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:44 Title: Episode 13.4 - Pern
More great imagery of maybe the most unique planet in the Federation. Nice tie in to an earlier story by bringing the waterbirds back. I missed or perhaps had forgotten that they were on an unstable planet. Nice to see that their might be a solution to their dilemma. Those were some fascinating creatures.
Author's Response:
Everything in STH comes back at some point. Tomos mentioned the waterbirds singing, so in a future scene...
I created the shifting magnetosphere of Cophus II primarily to give Guth some flying to do - but when it came time for this story, it served an unanticipated second purpose.
Glad you liked my intelligent birds - and thanks for the kind words!! rbs