Date: 19 Sep 2020 11:17 Title: Episode 12.11 - Battle Over Rings
Maybe not a Disney vibe, but definitely a Star Wars vibe (which these days may be the same thing)
A lot of action here. Interesting note on the time dilution effect which is practically never referred to in Trek but I would assume would play a big part in real space flight and battles.
The Dolphin/T'Lon/Red scenes were the highlight of this chapter for me, no doubt.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the odd little triangle and a moment of rom com.
I do occasionally try to put some science in my science fiction. When Wesley Crusher shows up, there will be some references to the universe being only one dimensional and consisting only of information - which sounds wierd as hell, but is what some physicists are deriving from Stephen Hawking's theories about black holes...
Thanks!! rbs