Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 4 - Episodes 11 - 13
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 12 Sep 2020 12:45 Title: Episode 12.5 - Canada On Ice

Date: 12 Sep 2020 12:45 Title: Episode 12.5 - Canada On Ice
High body count in this chapter.
And more questions. A disease that has befallen Vulcans? Well, that certainly tracks with what we know so far.
Author's Response:
Well... that's one opinion... There are vulcans who would disagree.
You're not the first to remark on the high body count in STH. Which is one reason I dumped the original open and added a new Ep 2.1 in which Geordi LaForge explains that Irons gets the dirty jobs and remarks that "death and destruction follow her around like pet dogs."
Thanks!! rbs