Date: 12 Sep 2020 12:39 Title: Episode 12.4 - Toeing the Line
Okay, I like how the pieces are slowly falling into place here, although not yet quickly enough to get the full picture.
It just struck me as a little odd that Tauk is T'Lon's superior officer and not the other way around. I guess that's just me struggling a bit to think of Ferengi Starfleet officers. I know, I know, must get over those racial hang-ups.
Author's Response:
Ton of backstory that isn't in STH - T'Lok Smith and T'Lon were both SF Academy grads. T'Lok was 2 years older. Tauk is actually a year younger than T'Lon. At age 17 he was awarded the equivalent of a Ph.D. in game theory by the Ferengi Commerce Authority (meaning he made a fortune). He published his theories and was promptly exiled for blasphemy. He became a Federation citizen, went through 6 months SF Officer Candidate School, joined SF as a midshipmen at age 19 and made 1st Lt by age 25. He promoted T'Lon to 2nd Lt. between Ep 7 & 8. His illness causes a big personality shift.
Thanks!! rbs