Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 4 - Episodes 11 - 13
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 12 Sep 2020 12:27 Title: Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle

Date: 12 Sep 2020 12:27 Title: Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle
I see what you did there with starting us off with a bit of a teaser first. Nicely done.
Also, looks like your version of Andor is a pretty violent place. Not totally suprising considering their warrior nature.
Author's Response:
I recently decided to move the credits/open behind the first few scenes for a number of episodes. I felt that Ep 12 needed a jump start after Ep 11, which doesn't have much action.
Mem Beta has Andor being a democracy, which was boring - I wanted an actual empire within the Federation to play around with.
Thanks again for the kind words! rbs