Date: 06 Sep 2020 12:26 Title: Episode 11.13 - Ban Bang Chum Tho Fertility Clinic, Surat Thani, Thailand
The sheer number of characters in this series is really quite amazing. Even more so is the fact that everyone seems to have a backstory or a story arc. I'll admit, I struggle keeping up with all of them occasionally but I'm still pretty impressed.
Author's Response:
Most characters come and go - Dr. Pali is just functionary to the plot line of Lynart and Cantys. STH does have a large cast, which gives me the opportunity to tell a wide variety of stories. I have a comprehensive list of characters, including the walk-on characters like Dr. Pali, just so I can keep track of them all. There are well over 100 of them.
Ep. 11 isn't really an episode - more like a series of vignettes, each of which sets up plot lines and through-lines for the rest of Year 2: The Destroyer of Worlds (Eps 11-19).
Thanks!! rbs