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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2020 12:02 Title: Episode 11.11 - Executive Conference Room, U.S.S. Hunter

Well, this had hints of Measure of a Man but not nearly as contentious.

It also reminds me of the Voyager episode where the EMH was trying to publish his book. Although, all I can remember of it is that there were all these worker holograms slaving in mine pits or something like that in the end.

I say it again, AI is a tricky thing. Looks like they've got a good handle on it here though.

Author's Response:

Like everything in STH, the enfranchisement of Dr. Kim will return and be a key plot device in a future ep.

I think it will be much harder to handle AI that is not based on human personalities - which we'll definitely have to do first.

I did base it on the Measure ep - and referenced the EMH ep as well. It was those holoslaves that inspired the prohibition against creating self-aware holograms.

Thanks!! rbs

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