Date: 30 Aug 2020 09:20 Title: Episode 11.6 - Central Park, New York City, New York
Nice little scene with some terrific dialogue. Particularly liked the chanting Tellarite priest. That was priceless.
Also, how do we get there? I thought that was a bit of an odd question in the 24th century, but the pay off was great. Of course, with powerful Betazoids around, all you have to do is think really hard. Pretty cool and also, just a little scary.
Author's Response:
Telepathy is a serious problem with the ST universe - one that they almost never played for the real danger it poses. Babylon 5's treatment of it was awesome. I figured I would split the difference.
That joke about the whole universe being Roman Catholic comes from an observation my wife made about every space opera featuring at least one alien race producing Gregorian chants in something that sounds like Latin. You'll find it in Trek, B5, Stargate, Alien Nation, V and a dozen sci-fi movies.
Thaks for the kind words!! rbs