Date: 12 Aug 2020 19:39 Title: Episode 9.15 - Fleet Admiral Scumuk
As far as famous last words go these were pretty ... intense. FELIX!
The reference to gamma radiation and a hulk makes me wonder if we're looking at some sort of Marvel Universe crossover here. Honestly, it probably wouldn't be the strangest things in this entirely unpredictable story of yours.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the Fleet Admiral's demise..
I can promise you this story remains firmly rooted in the Star Trek universe and never becomes a crossover
Not Marvel (although the hulk and gamma radiation are central to the story - and Dewayne Guth was born and raised in Waconda)
Not Middle Earth (although the crew goes surfing in Numinor, meets Finrod and Sauron's Orcs show up late in the story to battle klingons)
Not Pern (although it does include a dragon rider - Ep 13.4)
Not Avatar the Last Airbender (although Justice Irons and Flight Specialist Joey Chin were both born and raised in Ba Sing Se)
Not Foundation (although special agents from the Trantor Police Dept. become important characters)
And then there's Santa's Workshop... (Ep 13.12)
I just really enjoy throwing curve balls... Thanks!! rbs