Episode 8 - The Bolian Web - A weaponized virus threatens the survival of the Bolian people. The U.S.S. Hunter's crew must act quickly to contain the virus and find a way to defeat the virus.
Episode 9 - The Library - The U.S.S. Hunter travels to The Sanctuary of the Waterbirds on Cophus II in search of a cure for the Bolian virus in an ancient Vulcan library...
Episode 10 - The Philosopher - While the U.S.S. Hunter goes off in search of a far more ancient library, Lt. Dolpin returns to The Colonhy of New Hope to appear on Governor Emory Ivonovic's podcast...
Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation,
Deep Space Nine,
Expanded Universes Characters: Bashir, Julian,
Riker, William
Genre: Action/Adventure,
FamilyWarnings: Adult Language,
Adult Situations,
Character Death,
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 52
Completed: Yes
Word count: 44499
Read: 45911
Published: 05 Apr 2020
Updated: 17 Sep 2020
1. Episode 8.1 - The Bolian Web: Paleonus V by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1448 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter responds to an emergency call from a research station on a primative planet - only to find Star Fleet Medical has already responded...
2. Episode 8 - The Bolian Web by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (458 words)
Introduction to Episode 8: The Bolian Web by Lt. Kenneth Dolphin, Ph.D., Director of Flight Operations, U.S.S. Hunter
3. Episode 8.2 - The Bolian Web: Dr. Napoleon Boles by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1429 words)
Lt. Napoleon Boles is stranded on Paleonus V...
4. Episode 8.3 - The Bolian Web: Bulldog Xhot by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(986 words)
Captain John Kelly is a prisoner aboard his own ship - the demented Admiral Scumuk has taken control...
5. Episode 8.4 - The Bolian Web: Paleonus V Planetary Epidemiologist by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(969 words)
Since Dr. Napoleon Boles is quarantined on Paleonus V, Dr. Tali Shae assigns him as her lead on-site researcher into the weaponized virus...
6. Episode 8.5 - The Bolian Web: Hunting the U.S.S. Atul Goel by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(556 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's detachable tactical unit is hunting the Atul Goel...
7. Episode 8.6 - The Bolian Web: Stripping the Ship by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (641 words)
The Hunter's Tactical Unit disables the U.S.S. Atul Goel...
8. Episode 8.7 - The Bolian Web: Bloody Watermelon by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(868 words)
The tiny tactical unit from the U.S.S. Hunter catches the U.S.S. Atul Goel and leaves it dead in space...
9. Episode 8.8 - The Bolian Web: Going Viral by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(544 words)
Subspace Radio Ivonovic grows in popularity. Dr. Napoleon Boles makes a horrifying discovery...
10. Episode 8.9 - The Bolian Web: Crew of the U.S.S. Atul Goel by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(587 words)
Justice Irons learns some alarming things about the crew of the U.S.S. Atul Goel...
11. Episode 8.10 - The Bolian Web: Carved in Stone by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1180 words)
Dr. Napoleon Boles finds a creative way to get a message to the U.S.S. Hunter...
12. Episode 8.11 - The Bolian Web: Computer Virus by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(488 words)
The weaponized virus has clearly been designed not only to attack the body, but to attack any technology that includes a computer...
13. Episode 8.12 - The Bolian Web: Jamming Buoys by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(812 words)
Dr. Carrera is faced with an almost impossible task - until help arrives...
14. Episode 8.13 - The Bolian Web: Infected Units by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(980 words)
The crew members on the Hunter's Tactical Squad have to remove infected components, including the Tactical Medical Hologram - Dr. Kim.
15. Episode 8.14 - The Bolian Web: Finishing the Job by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(557 words)
The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter are in awe of the unique ability of Bolian Web ship...
16. Episode 8.15 - The Bolian Web: Hot Spots by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(624 words)
Justice Minerva Irons explains to the bolians how the virus has been transmitted..
17. Episode 8.16 - The Bolian Web: Captain Rudyard John Kelley, Jr. by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (433 words)
Captain John Kelley of the U.S.S. Atul Goel..
18. Episode 8.17 - The Bolian Web: Rescuing Dr. Kim by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(571 words)
Dr. Dolphin takes an interceptor to rescue Dr. Kim from floating in space...
19. Episode 8.18 - The Bolian Web: The Case for Quarantine by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1243 words)
Dr. Klox determines the fate of the U.S.S. Atul Goel, the flagship for Star Fleet Medical...
20. Episode 8.19 - The Bolian Web: The U.S.S. Atul Goel by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(490 words)
Starfleet Medical's flagship meets its fate...
21. Episode 8.20 - The Bolian Web: A Dangerous Assignment by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(906 words)
Justice Minerva Irons evaluates her Director of Flight Operations before sending him on a dangerous mission...
This is the final scene for Episode 8. The story continues in Episode 9 - The Library.
22. Episode 9.1 - The Scumuk Virus by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(950 words)
The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter develop a timeline of the virus...
23. Episode 9.2 - Secret Agent Dolphin Kenny Dolphin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(892 words)
Dr. Kenny Dolphin is away from the U.S.S. Hunter on assignment when he runs into a chatty lot of denobulans, making it hard for him to keep any secrets...
24. Episode 9.3 - Patient Zero by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(345 words)
The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter have identified Patient Zero - the first person infected with the deadly virus designed to kill bolians... the mysterious Dr. Napoleon Boles...
25. Episode 9 - The Library by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (458 words)
Introduction to Episode 9: The Library by Lt. Kenneth Dolphin, Ph.D., Director of Flight Operations, U.S.S. Hunter
26. Episode 9.4 - House of Boles by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (833 words)
Dr. Boles is moved from his house on Paleonus V into a quarantine unit.
27. Episode 9.5 - Section 31 by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1275 words)
On her way to receive instructions from Section 31, Justice Minerva Irons encounters an old fling...
28. Episode 9.6 - Representing Dr. Blue by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(317 words)
Dr. Tali Shae is left behind to serve as lawyer for her newest charge, Dr. Napoleon Boles...
29. Episode 9.7 - Doctor, Lawyer, Boss by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1201 words)
Dr. Tali Shae did not expect to like Dr. Boles, but finds in him a kindred spirit, irascible, skeptical and a little cynical...
30. Episode 9.8 - The Sanctuary of the Waterbirds by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(994 words)
The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter visit the ancient Vulcan library at the Sanctuary of the Waterbirds on Cophus II...
31. Episode 9.9 - Fleet Admiral Scumuk's Notes by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(445 words)
The Hunter's Ground Operations Department, along with members of the Enineering Department have decyphered Fleet Admiral Scumuk's Notes and found a cure...
32. Episode 9.10 - Denobulan Nail Care by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(633 words)
Lt. Kenny Dolphin learns far more about Denobulan physiology and culture than he ever expected...
33. Episode 9.11 - A Sample of Mlady by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(828 words)
The secret to overcoming the genetically enhanced virus is in Lt. Commander Mlady's unique genome...
34. Episode 9.12 - Destim Ski by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(650 words)
Chief Dewyane Guth meets a fellow flier - one of the giant waterbirds of Cophus II...
35. Episode 9.13 - The Moon/Sun/Kim Upgrades by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(577 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's Engineering Department, in coordination with the ship's Tactical Medical Hologram, solve the riddle of the computer virus...
36. Episode 9.14 - Tauk's Notes by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(792 words)
The atmosphere of Cophus II had a terrible effect on Lt. Tauk's already precarious health
37. Episode 9.15 - Fleet Admiral Scumuk by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(715 words)
The last moments of the most decorated officer in Star Fleet history.
This is the final scene for Episode 9. The story continues in Episode 10: The Philosopher.
38. Episode 10 - The Philosopher by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (286 words)
Introduction to Episode 10: The Philosopher by Lt. Kenneth Dolphin, Ph.D., Director of Flight Operations, U.S.S. Hunter
39. Episode 10.1 - Pilgrim's Landing by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(910 words)
Dr. Dolphin arrives at Pilgrim's Landing - where he is strip-searched...
40. Episode 10.2 - The Procedure by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(341 words)
Dr. Boles explains the life-saving procedure to Lt. Tauk...
41. Episode 10.3 - The Morality of Hybridizing Intelligent Species by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1750 words)
Governor Ivonovic interviews Dr. Dolphin about his infamous ethical dissertation on the morality of hybridizing intelligent species...
42. Episode 10.4 - Navigating Romulan Space by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1417 words)
2nd Lt. Gaia Gamor presents the plan for the U.S.S. Hunter's secret mission to the other side of the Romulan Star Empire...
43. Episode 10.5 - The Impact of Humanity on Pon Farr by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(915 words)
Governor Ivonvic interviews Dr. Dolphin about his 2nd and highly controversial book regarding the impact of humanity on the vulcan mating cycle...
44. Episode 10.6 - Prognosis by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(887 words)
Dr. Boles discusses Lt. Tauk's prognisis with Dr. Jazz and Dr. Tali Shae..
45. Episode 10.7 - Fundamentals of Federation Ethics by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(853 words)
Governor Ivonovic interviews Dr. Dolphin about his 3rd book regarding the fundamentals of Federation ethics...
46. Episode 10.8 - Gamma Gun Galaxy by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1150 words)
One of the U.S.S. Hunter's navigators discovers a distant but dangerous source of deadly gamma radiation.
47. Episode 10.9 - Assistant Medical Director Jazz Sam Sinder by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1185 words)
Dr. Jazz gets an evaluation from his boss...
48. Episode 10.10 - Conspiracy by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1505 words)
Governor Ivonovic and Dr. Dolphin discuss conspiracy theories
49. Episode 10.11 - Deus Ex Machina by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1562 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter is trapped in a debris field with a deadly gamma wave front approaching...
50. Episode 10.12 - The U.S.S. Defiant by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1199 words)
Back on Deep Space 9, Dolphin commandiers the U.S.S. Defiant for a subversive mission...
51. Episode 10.13 - The Library of the Progenitors by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1329 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter enters the cavernous and extremely ancient Library of the Progenitors...
52. Episode 10.14 - Who Made The Hulk? by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(535 words)
Dr. Boles has uncovered one of the greatest secrets in the history of the Milkey Way...
This is the final scene in Episode 10. The story will continue in Star Trek Hunter - PART FOUR OF NINE (Episodes 11 - 13).