Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 1: Episodes 1 - 4
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 19 Jun 2020 14:13 Title: Episode 4.14 - Pon Farr

Date: 19 Jun 2020 14:13 Title: Episode 4.14 - Pon Farr
Beautiful mourning scene. I particularly liked Dolphin and T'Lon's first encounter by the bulkhead. Felt very somber but also poignant.
The meal was a nice touch too. As for the ending, I guess what I said before still applies. Everybody grives in their own way.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words about Dolphin & T'Lon - and I'm glad you enjoyed the ending... Of course there's more going on under the surface - as you might surmise from the title of Episode 5...
Thanks!! rbs