Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 1: Episodes 1 - 4
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 19 Jun 2020 13:28 Title: Episode 4.13 - Assessment

Date: 19 Jun 2020 13:28 Title: Episode 4.13 - Assessment
The Cardassians? Interesting. Yeah I remember mentions of Cardassian hardware I the ground assault earlier. I also recall Ivonovic's dire warning about the forces Hunter may be up against.
Cardassians can be a mean bunch, but I assume since the war they're no longer a major threat to the Federation. Methinks something else might be going on here.
Author's Response:
Good call... At this point there are a lot of Cardassian mercenaries available for hire - boatloads of them...
Thanks! rbs