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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2020 20:46 Title: Episode 4.9 - Casualties

Gut punch. I had my suspicions it was her by the setup. Minerva's confession is really quite telling, saying to her friend she wishes it had been someone else. As a captain, that's something you would only tell a person you trust immensely. And she feels bad about it. She should, but then again you cannot deny your own feelings either.

I wonder how that other part of the Vulcan duo will take this. Not well, I suspect. Not well at all.

Author's Response:

I wanted to avoid the trope of the expendible red-shirt. You have a good prediction about T'Lon - but there's more going on with her as you'll find in the last few sentences of this episode... And the opening scene for Episode 5.

Thanks! rbs

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