Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 1: Episodes 1 - 4
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 09 Jun 2020 22:16 Title: Episode 3.7 - A Private Dinner

Date: 09 Jun 2020 22:16 Title: Episode 3.7 - A Private Dinner
"Clan" may be more appropriate here than family considering the size. Minerva Irons sure has ensured her legacy for generations to come and seemingly not randomly either.
Author's Response:
Definitely a clan... I took my cue from the very underrated ST Enterprise. In one episode they found a corpse from the future that had DNA strands from a dozen different species. And then there was Crewman Daniels (also from the future) who, when someone said, "Well at least you're human" responded, "For the most part..."
Thanks for the review!! rbs