Date: 06 Jun 2020 13:42 Title: Episode 3.5: Surfing
Looks like you are changing up the formula a little bit and moving to longer chapters. Suits me fine, although the sudden change of location and characters within the chapter itself was a little jarring.
I was going to focus on a light-hearted comment on the irony of having the one officer named after a sea-dwelling animal being uncomfortable in water.
Then things took a very dark turn. This isn't a straight forward homicide investigation, this is far worse. I wonder if the capable crew of the Hunter is up for this kind of challenge.
Author's Response:
I was really still learning how to write this story in episodes 2 & 3. By episode 4 my writing style settled down and finally of got out of the way of the story. I drafted Episode 1 in March 2019 and finished Episode 28 (the final ep) this March. I'm still editing the ending. If I were writing the beginning now I would do a few things differently - but it would still be kaleidoscopic.
That said, I'm glad you caught the irony of Dolphin being hopeless at surfing and appreciated the range from light to dark - definitely something I was shooting for. I'm looking forward to your reaction to the last scene for Ep 3 - Life is a Beach...
Thanks!! rbs