Date: 31 May 2020 13:36 Title: Episode 2.13 - First Command
I guess my only nitpick here is the fact that you named one of your characters after a Trek actor because it makes it difficult to read this and not immediately think of Neelix which I'm assuming is not the image you have in mind for this character.
Other than that, solid stuff all around. Irons shows that she is just a sharp on the bridge as she is in the courtroom, or fighting off attackers in her chambers.
Also, Dolphin (another curious name choice) is quite the impressive officer considering that he's fairly new at all this. Not sure if he's quite as smooth with the ladies though. His encounter with the Vulcans was a fun, light-hearted scene in what has been a rather action-packed episode so far.
Author's Response:
I really appreciate the kind words - and seeing your response to various tropes that I built into the series. Alas, I never connected the name Ethan Phillips with Neelix until after I had begun posting this stuff and kind of got stuck with it. I must have known there was a reason the name sounded so familiar.
There is a reason for Dolphin's name connected with WWII, which he explains in a later episode. I'm really glad you enjoyed the scene with the flirtatious vulcan...
Thanks!! rbs