Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 1: Episodes 1 - 4
Reviewer: CeJay Signed
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Date: 17 May 2020 13:16 Title: Episode 2.5 - Pinned Down

Date: 17 May 2020 13:16 Title: Episode 2.5 - Pinned Down
That was some tight action.
I also really appreciate the fact that we get to see two Vulcans at the same time and of the same gender without it being a big issue.
Too often it feels like that non-human people are only allowed to show up if they come from different species when in reality, you would think that it would be quite common in Starfleet and the Federation to see members of the same non-human species work together.
Although, the fact that you've given them such similar looking and sounding names was perhaps a bit confusing at times.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review!
Lt. T'Lok Smith and Ensign T'Lon show up again in Ep.2 Scene 12 and they pretty much rule Episodes 3 and 4 (surf's up) - hoping you enjoy!
Thanks!! rbs