Summary: Wolf 359: The lone Borg cube, led by former Starfleet captain Jean-Luc Picard, cleaves a path for Earth through a fleet of thirty-nine Starfleet vessels. Not a single one of them survived the attack, and over ten thousand officers and enlisted lost their lives. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Lieutenant (jg) January McKenna of the late starship Roosevelt, survives in an escape pod.
In Earth orbit, the Galaxy-class starship Enterprise-D, faces off with the cube. And loses. Attempting to destroy the cube by ramming it, the resulting explosion leaves the cube only half-damaged and fully operational. The famous crew of the Enterprise has died, and now it's up to the rest of Starfleet... and the entire Alpha Quadrant... to deal with a frightening fact: The Borg have invaded Earth.
This is the novella that kicked off the popular online multi-player game, Where No One Has Gone Before. From an idea by Todd James.
"The Choice" Challenge
Chapters: 10
Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Violence
Series: Where No One Has Gone Before
Completed: Yes
Word count: 32684
Read Count: 32827