Have any readers of this series wondered how Jim Kirk re-entered the Nexus? Or why the Frenchman Jean-Luc Picard seems so very British? In this final story of the series, Captain Picard meets Captain Kirk in a "Generations" tale with a Star Trek: Beyond twist.
Image courtesy of TrekCore.
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Next Generation, Expanded Universes
Characters: Guinan, Kirk, Antonia Cordova, Kirk, James T., Kirk, Tru, Picard, Jean-Luc, Redfern, Duncan (Lame Wolf), S'chn T'gai, James
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Tragedy
Warnings: Character Death
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes Word count: 4264 Read Count: 3230