Warnings: Graphic Het
Flames of the Feeonix by chatteringmagpie    Rated: MA    Liked  Reviews (2
Summary: Lt. Commander Data had harbored unrealized feelings for the Enterprise's emissary compliment, a rare alien entity with bizarre abilities, for many years. His emotional awakening and their evolving relationship are threatened by a recent trauma, a romantic rival and finally, the return of an old enemy, who threatens to make history repeat itself.
Chapters: 38    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Alternate Universes
Characters: Data, Ensemble Cast - TNG
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 134161    Read Count: 7448
[Report This] Published: 15 Aug 2013 Updated: 05 May 2020
Gens Una Sumus by mdgarcia, ajgertner    Rated: MA      Reviews (18

Cover Credits: Ambassador-class mesh by S. Matthew Coles. Wormhole art by ESO/M. Kornmesser, Lettering and layout by Michael D. Garcia, Task Force Vanguard logo by CeJay.Completing the saga that began with the popular crossover novel between Star Trek: Gibralar and Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead, The Chains of Error, a former Farragut helmsman finds herself tangling with Romulans as part of Task Force Vanguard!


Stardate 55343: Immediately following the events of Mater Semper Certa Est, Commander C. J. Kircheis joins the first wave of Task Force Vanguard under the command of Vice Admiral Edward Jellico, and is assigned as the executive officer of USS Adelphi. With the information presented to her by khre'Arrain t'Aimne about the wormhole leading from Rihannsu space, Adelphi is ordered to investigate the wormhole and its possible usage by the Rihannsu to send ships and scouts into the Delta Quadrant.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wormhole, first officer Taibek tr'Tei of the warbird ChR Kholhnen is part of a highly-classified Tal Shiar-led expedition using the same wormhole. When the three ship flotilla enters the Delta Quadrant, they're met by USS Adelphi in the middle of their mission. though they outnumber the Starfleet vessel three-to-one and enjoy a treaty following their shared victory in the Dominion War, tr'Tei wonders if the Tal Shiar will observe that alliance under the circumstances.

Both sides hold their breath as they wait for the next move...

Chapters: 11    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Het
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het, Non-con, Violence
Challenges: February Challenge - Overcoming a Calamity
Series: Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead
Completed: Yes    Word count: 32361    Read Count: 2716
[Report This] Published: 11 Feb 2015 Updated: 20 Feb 2015
Half-Light by Queenix    Rated: MA      Reviews (0
Summary: Odo has been through his trial with the Founders, and has doubts. Kira has no doubts, though.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Kira Nerys
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Graphic Het
Series: Hindsight
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3855    Read Count: 202
[Report This] Published: 27 Jan 2015 Updated: 27 Jan 2015
Home by Syrus    Rated: MA      Reviews (0

Leonard McCoy was very certain that he was a man that could never succeed in a relationship, and this was admittedly harder to face during the holiday season. He was quite certain that he was unchangeable, but Spock finds a way to turn his idea right on its head. Meanwhile, Jim Kirk and Nyota Uhura discover sides of each other that they never bothered to look for before.

Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T. (Pine), McCoy, Leonard (Urban), Spock (Quinto), Uhura, Nyota (Saldana)
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Het, Graphic Slash
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 14757    Read Count: 1734
[Report This] Published: 23 Jun 2013 Updated: 13 Aug 2013
Everybody Knows This is Nowhere by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (0


During the Xindi War, the Enterprise was thrown back in time, to 2037. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere 

In 2154, the second iteration Enterprise met its original counterpart, which had become a generational ship.

But just what happened between 2037 and 2154? 

And which parts of it happened twice?


Chapters: 30    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Expanded Universes
Characters: Daniels, Ensemble Cast - ENT, Hayes, J., O'Day, Lili, Reed, Malcolm
Genre: Friendship, Het, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het
Series: Interphases
Completed: Yes    Word count: 125587    Read Count: 70297
[Report This] Published: 13 May 2013 Updated: 08 Jul 2013
The Inevitable by Syrus    Rated: MA      Reviews (2
Summary: Captain James Kirk believed that the greatest challenges he'd face during his five year mission would be to learn diplomacy and to gain a solid friendship with his First Officer Mr. Spock.

He had no idea that he'd face a challenge that would take a definite turn for the strange and so change the relationship he'd share with Spock forever.
Chapters: 14    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Ensemble Cast - AOS
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Het, Romance, Slash
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het, Graphic Slash
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 26813    Read Count: 3398
[Report This] Published: 25 Feb 2010 Updated: 23 Jun 2013

Season One, Episode Eight of Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead

FSA Cover #3Stardate 43409.1: Farragut's operations and security division must work together to track down a series of reported thefts aboard ship that prove to have few leads. Meanwhile, Commander Kincaid takes over the monthly Captain's Mast proceedings to deal with the various infractions and violations of discipline aboard ship.

Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Farragut
Genre: Angst, Drama, General, Mystery
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead
Completed: Yes    Word count: 15247    Read Count: 1591
[Report This] Published: 13 May 2013 Updated: 13 May 2013
The Three of Us by jespah    Rated: T      Reviews (0

During the Xindi War, the Enterprise was thrown back in time, to 2037.

The Three of Us

The male to female ratio was uneven. How did people cope, and adjust their expectations?


Chapters: 39    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Expanded Universes
Characters: Hayes, J., O'Day, Lili, Reed, Malcolm
Genre: Alternate Universe, Family, Friendship, Het, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: Interphases
Completed: Yes    Word count: 148277    Read Count: 88203
[Report This] Published: 02 Mar 2013 Updated: 12 May 2013
Wide Awake by Cyndi    Rated: MA      Reviews (0
Summary: Barriers fall as Odo and Kira consummate their love for the first time.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Kira Nerys, Odo
Genre: Angst, Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Freedom
Completed: Yes    Word count: 6314    Read Count: 611
[Report This] Published: 08 Apr 2013 Updated: 08 Apr 2013
Entanglements by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (0

During the Xindi War, the Enterprise was thrown back in time, to 2037. 


It was a generational ship. Just how did the crew form couples? 


Chapters: 19    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Expanded Universes
Characters: Hayes, J., O'Day, Lili, Reed, Malcolm
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Interphases
Completed: Yes    Word count: 60114    Read Count: 44483
[Report This] Published: 05 Feb 2013 Updated: 23 Feb 2013
The Audition by LJC    Rated: MA      Reviews (3
Summary: It's important to anticipate your commanding officer's needs correctly.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Mirror Universe, Alternate Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T. (Pine), Number One (Mirror), Pike, Christopher (Mirror)
Genre: Drama, Het
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Cognitive Dissonance
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3211    Read Count: 284
[Report This] Published: 12 Jan 2013 Updated: 12 Jan 2013
Spring Thaw by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (2

What happens when you fall in love with someone Spring Thaw coverwho you can’t have? 

Chapters: 22    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Enterprise, Alternate Universes
Characters: Cavendish, Levi, D'Angelo, Otra, Daniels, Reed, Malcolm, Sato, Hoshi
Genre: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Het
Series: Times of the HG Wells
Completed: Yes    Word count: 38341    Read Count: 52682
[Report This] Published: 01 Jul 2012 Updated: 22 Jul 2012
You Mixed-Up Siciliano by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (2

They went on vacation, just the two of them, to Italy, in 1960. You Mixed-Up Siciliano

And it was fun, until the other side caught up with them. Then it got very uncomfortable, and they debated the morality of it all again.

And again, they wondered – just who is worth saving?


Chapters: 22    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Enterprise
Characters: Cavendish, Levi, D'Angelo, Otra, Daniels, Sato, Hoshi
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Times of the HG Wells
Completed: Yes    Word count: 35903    Read Count: 52375
[Report This] Published: 13 May 2012 Updated: 03 Jun 2012
The Chains of Error by mdgarcia, Gibraltar    Rated: MA    Liked  Reviews (43

A crossover novel between Star Trek: Gibraltar and Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead!

The Chains of Error cover layout, logo, and design by Steff Watson; render by Michael Garcia; TMP Enterprise mesh by Dennis Bailey; special thanks to David MetlesitsStardate 54310.98: A very attractive Commander arrives at Starbase 375 near the Cardassian border to assume custody of a very dangerous prisoner... all by herself. They depart together in the runabout Sacramento; sixteen hours into their trip, they come under attack by the Maquis.

Stardate 54311.8: The starship USS Gibraltar, while en route to a Federation convoy to the Rudyard Colonies, is diverted by the distress signal of the runabout Sacramento. Upon arrival, they find the runabout destroyed and an encrypted beacon points the way toward an escape pod. Now, Captain Sandhurst and his new executive officer, T'Ser, must deal with the formidable presence of Commander Ariel Elannis, and her prisoner, former Starfleet Captain Sabrina Diaz.

Chapters: 13    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Elannis, Ariel, Ensemble Cast - USS Gibraltar, Kincaid, Jesse, Leone, Krystine
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Star Trek: Gibraltar, Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead
Completed: Yes    Word count: 62020    Read Count: 8185
[Report This] Published: 23 Mar 2009 Updated: 08 Feb 2012
Fortune by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (32

How do you begin, or begin anew?

What’s going to happen next?

What if you could predict it, or at least have a good handle on forever?


What would you do with that information?

And for the people you’ve promised yourself to, forever, what does that really mean? Do you ignore the truth, or do you listen to all of it, even the ugliest parts?

Chapters: 32    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Mirror Universe, Expanded Universes
Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes, Daniels, Ensemble Cast - ENT, O'Day, Lili
Genre: Drama, Het, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: In Between Days, Hall of Mirrors
Completed: Yes    Word count: 111984    Read Count: 79903
[Report This] Published: 23 Dec 2011 Updated: 31 Jan 2012
Original sin by GulCaprice    Rated: M      Reviews (1
Summary: What made Weyoun want to defect to the enemy ? Read it here.

He had read many casualty reports before, but this was the first time that they made him feel anything, though he couldn’t name the new emotion he felt, a mixture of sadness and pain concerning those who had died. A drop of water hit his hand, followed by a second one...
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 5802    Read Count: 1270
[Report This] Published: 31 Dec 2011 Updated: 31 Dec 2011
Private Emotions by MrPicard    Rated: MA      Reviews (1
Summary: This story is set in one of the alternate universes that we saw in the episode "Parallels". It tells the story of how this particular universe at which we only got a glimpse unfolded - why Riker appears to be somewhat hostile to Worf, why Alyssa Ogawa is the Chief Medical Officer, how Worf and Troi ended up together, why Data has blue eyes and how the Federation ended up being at war with the Cardassians.
Chapters: 15    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Alternate Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - TNG, Q
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Het, Romance, Slash, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het, Graphic Slash
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 30496    Read Count: 3591
[Report This] Published: 06 Nov 2011 Updated: 27 Dec 2011
Temper by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (3


He really didn’t want to go back there.


It was the last thing he wanted to do.


But it was his family that was at stake, so he put everything aside, and went anyway.


Could he put back what had gone haywire?

Chapters: 28    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Enterprise, Mirror Universe, Alternate Universes
Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes, O'Day, Lili, Reed, Malcolm, Sato, Hoshi
Genre: Drama, Het, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: In Between Days, Times of the HG Wells, Hall of Mirrors
Completed: Yes    Word count: 76117    Read Count: 71273
[Report This] Published: 01 Nov 2011 Updated: 30 Nov 2011
Together by jespah    Rated: M      Reviews (1

Their lives seemed perfect – or, at least, close enough. They were happy, and together.

And then they were forced to do things that they didn’t want to do – and then discovered that they did want to do them. Together

How could they go back, and save what they had?

Or would it be better to do something radically different? 

How could they pick up the pieces and stay together after having done that?

Chapters: 32    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Enterprise
Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes, Ensemble Cast - ENT, O'Day, Lili
Genre: Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: In Between Days
Completed: Yes    Word count: 69094    Read Count: 84088
[Report This] Published: 23 Sep 2011 Updated: 24 Oct 2011
Intolerance by jespah    Rated: M    Liked  Reviews (7

There are women coming to the Enterprise! Travis Mayweather proposes a friendly competition with his friends – whoever gets the girl first wins. But then the winner gets more than he bargained for, and learns just how much he can take. How much can you tolerate?



This story has two musical themes: Amy Winehouse's "You Know I'm No Good" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll7UFxqI2pM

and Mickey and Sylvia’s “Love is Strange” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpEA5QGYJFQ

Chapters: 19    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise
Characters: Ensemble Cast - ENT
Genre: Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: In Between Days
Completed: Yes    Word count: 31108    Read Count: 49758
[Report This] Published: 17 Aug 2011 Updated: 08 Sep 2011
Reversal by jespah    Rated: M    Liked  Reviews (45

Meet Lili O'Day, sous-chef on the NX-01. In 2157, she's got little to look forward to, save hearing from Chef what's for dinner that night.

Until she begins having interesting dreams ....Reversal Cover


This story has two musical themes.

Lili's theme is Roy Orbison's "Dream Baby": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSddgYKtPBE  

Her mystery man's theme is Robbie Williams's "Feel": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XHuyJyyZXU

Chapters: 35    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Enterprise, Mirror Universe
Characters: Beckett, Doug Hayes, Ensemble Cast - ENT, O'Day, Lili
Genre: Alternate Universe, Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: In Between Days, Hall of Mirrors
Completed: Yes    Word count: 67467    Read Count: 102722
[Report This] Published: 13 Jul 2011 Updated: 16 Aug 2011
The Final Possession by Isadorabelle    Rated: MA    Liked  Reviews (3
Summary: On a newly acquired Dominion ally, one young woman learns that she's not just under the Vorta Overseer's control, but is his possession too.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: None
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het, Non-con
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2972    Read Count: 247
[Report This] Published: 07 Jun 2011 Updated: 07 Jun 2011
Divergence in Convergence by Blond Goth Girl    Rated: MA      Reviews (24

After the destruction of Vulcan, the galaxy is in turmoil. Various factions come together aboard the Enterprise for peace talks with a Romulan Praetor who's not all that he seems but then again neither is anyone else. This story contains a lot of Romulan world building.
Lovely book cover by lollipop at TDA
Chapters: 22    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Ensemble Cast - AOS, Spock (Quinto), Uhura, Nyota (Saldana)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Humor, IDIC, Mystery, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 74756    Read Count: 3833

[Report This] Published: 18 Dec 2009 Updated: 05 Jan 2011
Doctor's Orders by LJC    Rated: MA    Liked  Reviews (1
Summary: Set after "Paradigm Shift". When the crew quarters on deck 5 are damaged in a Tholian attack, Pike and Number One have to make do with alternate sleeping arrangements.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Number One, Pike, Christopher
Genre: Het, Humor
Warnings: Graphic Het
Series: Paradigm Shift
Completed: Yes    Word count: 4423    Read Count: 300
[Report This] Published: 07 Dec 2010 Updated: 07 Dec 2010
The Quality of Mercy by LJC    Rated: MA      Reviews (1
Summary: Mirror Universe. It was not Number One's first assassination attempt.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series, Mirror Universe
Characters: Number One (Mirror), Pike, Christopher (Mirror)
Genre: Drama, Het
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Graphic Het, Violence
Series: Cognitive Dissonance
Completed: Yes    Word count: 7173    Read Count: 239
[Report This] Published: 02 Dec 2010 Updated: 02 Dec 2010