Penname: CaptainSarine [Contact]
Real name: Joel Brown
Member Since: 02 Sep 2009
Membership status: Member
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Reviews by CaptainSarine
Summary: Past Featured Story

2384: As the Alpha and Beta Quadrants continue to recover from the Dominon War, Starfleet moves ahead with the launch of a very special ship, the USS Pearl. Based on the unique design of the Enterprise-C, the Pearl is assigned to Captain Henry "Hank" Harrison and dispatched to a colony on the outskirts of the Federation, New Haven, to investigate a suspected Maquis plot.

What Hank and his crew discover is something far more dangerous ... and destructive.


Star Trek Chronicles Book I cover

Chapters: 30    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Pearl, Harrison, Hank
Genre: Mystery
Warnings: Violence
Series: Star Trek Chronicles
Completed: Yes    Word count: 79408    Read Count: 89359
[Report This] Published: 29 Jan 2009 Updated: 23 May 2009
Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 28 May 2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

An interesting beginning you have here trekfan. An... unconventional Captain to say the least! :)

Harrison seems like a man with a past, someone who has been catalogued, categorised and put out to pasture by the brass, only to be given an extra chance here with this mission. Makes me wonder how much he is being set up for a fall? And what exactly happened a few months before for him to suddenly be back on Starfleet's radar?

I liked the interplay between him and the Admiral, especially the way you continually referred back to how bad Harrison was feeling. Must be difficult to have such an important conversation while dealing with a throbbing headache! Nice to see that Harrison has at least one person on his side.

I look forward to seeing what ship he is assigned and who he brings together as part of his command staff.


Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 28 May 2013 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

You have got to love the first glimpse of a brand new ship and that love at first sight reaction from her new captain. I recently watched The Motion Picture with my wife and no matter the faults some people find with that movie, you have to admit that the scene where Scotty flies Kirk around the refitted Enterprise captures this feeling perfectly. And you have managed to do that as well here as Hank discovers the Pearl. I love the Enterprise C design and think it is great that you have decided to resurrect her here in your story.

From that moment of beauty, though, we find ourselves in a much less pleasant situation. The attack on the Enterprise was nicely revealed and a great way of ramping up the tension. That is only increased as we see these two admirals going at it like two alpha males in a pack.

You nicely set up the complications that Hank is going to be facing, while also developping his character by showing us that he is not scared of going up against an admiral or two to get what he thinks he needs. Still, it looks like he is going to have to put up with some interference, even if it comes from those admirals who seem to be on his side.

A nice follow up to the last chapter, look forward to some more.

Embers of the Fire by Gibraltar    Rated: M    Liked  Reviews (143
Summary: Past Featured Story

Part One of the Star Trek: Gibraltar series

Embers Cover Art

The aging starship Gibraltar is brought out of mothballs to assist in Federation humanitarian relief operations within Cardassian territory in the immediate aftermath of the Dominion War. The crew quickly discovers not everyone shares the Federation's vision for Cardassia's future.


Chapters: 14    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Gibraltar
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Warnings: Violence
Series: Star Trek: Gibraltar
Completed: Yes    Word count: 46861    Read Count: 55349
[Report This] Published: 30 Jan 2009 Updated: 07 Apr 2009
Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 11 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

What a first chapter! Love the Sojourner bit at the end.
On to the next chapter...

Author's Response:

Much obliged.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 11 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Love the Sandhurst/Ramirez relationship already - you know how much I like a tense captain/commander relationship! :)

Author's Response:

I do indeed.  I hope you find this one equally engrossing.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 11 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Another great chapter, introducing another level to the intrigue - you've written Inish and Urlak really well, providing them with fully fledged personalities. Lovin' it so far

Author's Response:

Very glad to hear it.  Thanks for commenting!  :)

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 15 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Another great chapter - I love the way you introduced each of the characters, giving Captain Sandhurst a chance to interact with almost all of them before the meeting started. Very well done!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  It was clearly not the best of circumstances given their mission profile, but at least they were able to have a briefing together prior to reaching the colony.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 18 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Wow! Hugely intense. Really well-written, you've really created a tense situation here. And the secret weapon does not bode well... At all!!!!

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed it.  As for tension, there's more on the way...

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 28 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Wow! An amazing chapter here - tense, kind of like the calm before the storm. I especially loved how you described the El-Aurian - i don't know if anyone has ever described their 'ability' before, but I love what you've done with it.
Well done!

Author's Response:

Thanks.  And yes, this is very much the calm before the storm.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 15 Oct 2009 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Sorry it has taken me so long to read more of this! However, what a great chapter to pick up on again! The fact that all of the people from Phoenix are stuck in some kind of paralysis is terrifying, and the fact that Ramirez is now assigned as acting CO of the ship is a great twist at the end!

Author's Response:

Thank you.  : )  Ramirez has always wanted a command of her own, though not necessarily under these circumstances.  And the new Cardassian insurgent weapon is terrifying indeed, most especially to its victims.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 15 Oct 2009 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Stranger and stranger... So who in the Federation would put that on there without warning them? Or is it someone else?

I like the way you reveal the Cardassian plans, now all we have to do is wait and see everything blow up in their faces... I hope! :)

Author's Response:

Who indeed?  ; ) 

The Cardassian insurgent movement has a lot ridiing on this operation, making Gibraltar and Phoenix bigger targets than ever. 

Thanks again for the terrific feedback!

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 20 Oct 2009 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Wow! What a fantastic action chapter. Loved the tricky solution that Sandhurst used, though not sure how happy Starfleet are going to be at the fact he just destroyed one of their ships...

Author's Response:

Well, Sojourner was pretty much a complete wreck anyway, and I think Starfleet will understand the logic of sacrificing one ship to save another, rather than lose both.

Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 21 Oct 2009 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Another great chapter! I loved the way you dealt with the aftermath here, good to get this glimpse into the thoughts of both Ramirez and Sandhurst. You showed the reactions of the crew to what had just happened in a fantastic way.
Loving this!

Author's Response:

Yes, who knew winning a battle could be such an angsty experience? ; )   But, as Sandhurst is now wondering... now what do they do?

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 04 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Sorry it took me so long to carry on with this, but November was a b***h on my reading! :)
Anyway, a great chapter, lots of intrigue and it is interesting to see a captain who is more interested in following orders than going behind Starfleet's back when he feels like it. And I am intrigued to see how this whole situation with the Klingons will play out!

Author's Response:

Glad the Klingons have piqued your interest.  ;-)  Their arrival is an unwelcome new wrinkle in an already too complex equation. 

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 04 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

I have to say this is as good if not better than a lot of current star trek novels. You have a real talent for choosing the right words to quickly and efficiently describe what you want to and your action scenes are great.

I loved the banter between Lar'ragos and the Klingon commander, as well as the TacNet you described.

Another strong chapter. Now I have to move on and finish!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words!  Much obliged.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 04 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Just a second review to add the rating I forgot last time!

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 04 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Woah, that was a tense confrontation!

You did a great job of portraying the moral dilemma Captain Sandhurst is facing and it is so interesting to see a Starfleet officer out of his depth and trying to swim. Makes a refreshing change, as I have already said, from the all-mighty Picard, or Sisko, or Janeway, who never really seemed not to know what to do.

Again, an excellent chapter and am looking forward to reading the last one!

Author's Response:

Yes, the situation has escalated way over Sandhurst's head, and he's well out of his depth.  I'm pleased you're enjoying the moral quandry he and the crew find themselves thrust into.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 04 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

And a fantastic wrap-up!

I loved the way you presented Ramirez decision and provided us with a hint that there is more to Sandhurst than we think. I also really liked the fact that this story ends on such a downer - things did not go as planned, but that's ok, we'll just keep on going.

A masterful work, and I can't wait to read the next book! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you.  I thought it would be a telling legacy for the ship if their innagural mission ended badly.  How do you come back from that as a crew?  How does a captain bring his/her people together after such an event. 

Keep reading to find out. :-)

Another Man's Treasure by Teddog    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (8

(2238) - A young Scott raids a junkyard on an unknown planet.

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Mirror Universe
Characters: Scott, Montgomery (Mirror)
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1248    Read Count: 1331
[Report This] Published: 02 Feb 2009 Updated: 02 Feb 2009
Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 27 May 2014 Title: Chapter 1: Another Man's Treasure.

I have only a very summary knowledge of this Mirror Scotty, but the story itself stands nicely on its own. You did a good job setting up the character - 16, strong, born and lives in space - in a very short snippet, giving us the readers everything we need to know as we follow Scotty through this junkyard. You did a good job of capturing his voice - it is easy to imagine a young, though slightly different, James Doohan in the role, as he climbs into the junkyard and begins to look through all of the things that have been left behind.

I especially enjoyed the theme that ran through the piece about the difference between space and ground - how Scotty struggles to adjust to the gravity, something that is omnipresent until right at the end when he kind of pushes all of that aside in his haste to get out of the junkyard. I also liked how you created a distinct sense of wrongness about this world - it is easy to imagine that this is not in the Trekverse we know but rather in the Mirrorverse. There is an omnipresent otherness that comes across nicely through very small, subtle cues: the junkyard itself, the signs announcing brute force and dogs, Scotty's fear as he runs. All of them add up to a world that is removed from the one the 'real' Scotty probably grew up in.

You did a good job of creating the fulcrum that leads to the story's end as Scotty brings the junk crashing down around him. The race to get out was extremely well written, creating a real sense of tension and fear, especially as from the note we knew where it was heading.

I was a little let down at the relative mundane way he gets the scar - though that may have been your intention - and there were a couple of spelling mistakes or nits throughout. Overall, though, this was a well written, nicely paced short piece that shows a good grasp of this character. Well done!

You're My Only Pally by Mistral    Rated: K    Liked  Reviews (5
Summary: Post-Dominion War reflection between friends
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine
Characters: Quark
Genre: Friendship
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 960    Read Count: 1538
[Report This] Published: 02 Feb 2009 Updated: 02 Feb 2009
Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed
Date: 29 May 2014 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I always loved Vic as a character, mainly due to my love for Rat pack songs, so anything with him is good with me! :) You did a great job with his voice and Quark's as well, which came across especially well when the two of them are commiserating over the changes that have occurred on DS9 since the end of the war. You provided a good summary of the changes, especially Quark's little quips about Sisko and Rom.

It was nice to see the relationship between the two men had developed, misery loves company I guess. After all, Quark initially saw Vic as a competitor, so it was nice to see that they had become friends as time had gone by, drawn together by their loss of business.

A nice little scene with two interesting characters, well done!

Geometries of Chance by Gibraltar    Rated: M    Liked  Reviews (131
Summary: Past Featured Story

GoC CoverPart Two of the Star Trek: Gibraltar series.

Dispatched to investigate the disappearance of a Starfleet vessel, the crew of Gibraltar find themselves embroiled in a mystery whose significance catches the attention of the upper echelons of Federation leadership. As forces beyond their comprehension converge on the enigmatic Pierosh star system, Captain Sandhurst and his crew must seek to unravel a tangled web of lies, plots, and divided loyalties that could ultimately spell doom for the entire quadrant.


Chapters: 23    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Gibraltar
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Friendship, Mystery
Warnings: Adult Language, Violence
Series: Star Trek: Gibraltar
Completed: Yes    Word count: 62763    Read Count: 83806
[Report This] Published: 21 Feb 2009 Updated: 03 Mar 2009
Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 05 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

An intriguing opening chapter. I liked the picture you painted of the small crew aboard the runabout, especially the commanding officer trying to find her feet. And way to wet our appetite for what is to come with the mention of this scientist and the spectre of Genesis and Omega.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.  Yes, a great many things have been set in motion in this chapter.  Glad to have you onboard for GoC!

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 06 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Ooh! A missing ship, a guilty XO, a Security officer with what seems like a possible mental breakdown of some kind... This is shaping up to be one hell of a mission!

Author's Response:

Take a messed up crew, add a mystery, some angst, perhaps a dash of PTSD, and shake well! ;-)  Sounds like a recipe for trouble.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 08 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

An intriguing chapter here, especially with the intervention of the Vault. I love this new factor of temporal incursion.

Look forward to the follow up.

Author's Response:

I'm glad it's still drawing you in. :-)

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 21 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

A great action packed chapter here. I am constantly amazed at how much you manage to fit into one chapter. Things that a lot of the time other writers (and I include myself in this) would spread out over two or three goes into one, and yet it never seems rushed.

An interesting situation you have created, and I am intrigued as to what is actually going on on Pierosh.


Author's Response:

Many thanks for the kind review.  I'm pleased the pacing doesn't come across as rushed. :-)

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 21 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Another great chapter, especially that little hook at the end. Gibraltar is in a difficult situation here, and has suffered once again from the attack of their assailant. I loved how you went back oh so briefly to the Orion ship just in time to see them all die as a consequence of this attack, and of the control of this strange entity. What is his link to the dark man? I can't wait to find out!

Author's Response:

Mysteries within mysteries as the crew begins to peel back the first of many layers to this complex situation.  I'm glad you're enjoying the slow reveal. 

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked
Date: 21 Dec 2009 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

I love the alterego you have created for Juneau and am so intrigued to see where that is going.

More, though, I absolutely adored the dream/memory of Lar'ragos - so well written, the world building was amazing and it was such a surprise to see this side of our character.

Another top notch job. You are an absolutely fantastic author and, in the words of Wayne, I am not worthy!!! :)

Author's Response:

Thanks for the compliment! :-)  Yes, Lar'ragos has a long and tortured past, and here we begin to see why the mission to Lakesh effected him so deeply... the Klingons are an uncomfortable mirror to hold up to one's self.  As for Juneau's alter-ego, well, you'll just have to wait and see.