[Reviews - 5] LikedPrinter
Summary: It is said that virtue is its own reward. Sometimes there is more awaiting those with courage, integrity, patience.
Rated: K
Categories: Original Series Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 936 Read: 1127
Published: 20 Dec 2010 Updated: 20 Dec 2010
Story Notes:
She felt a hand gently stroking hers, warm and small and soft. She did not know who it was, only that it was not him. She felt herself drifting and tried to hold on as the day declined into evening. The counting of the hours helped her to focus. Then, it was four times since she had been brought to this place that the sun had arisen and the sun had set.

She waited.


1. Chapter 1 by KayCee [Reviews - 5] Liked (936 words)