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019 “ “It’s Politics As Usual.”

“We greatly appreciate your continued support of our agenda. We are hopeful that by the end of the year we’ll be able to pass resolute legislation to ban cybernetic augmentation in all cases not involving the replacement of lost or damaged body parts or the rectification of birth defects.”

The dark skinned man sitting across from the bearded Efrosian didn’t reply.

“Support of our polices is growing amongst the general public, especially on worlds with prevalent religious societies such as Bajor, Saltok IV and Epsilon Canaris. I don’t think we have the votes in the Council yet but give me some time and I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to increase support.”

Kentii’la was overlooking Paris while the leader of the Federation Council spoke. This wasn’t unusual by any means. Besides having the reputation of being a cunning politician and brilliant compromiser, Kentii’la was also well known as a man who was able to follow seemingly dozens of different trains of thoughts simultaneously.

“We have been able to keep Starfleet mostly free of any cyberoids and the response to our efforts has been positive.”

“Not from everyone,” he said it in his very slow, deliberate speech pattern.

Veltum Jarni looked up from his padd, startled by the response. “Some opposition is to be expected, Mister President.”

Kentii’la turned to face the speaker. He nodded slowly. “I am not entirely comfortable with the course we have taken regarding this matter.”

Jarni looked confused, almost panicked at this revelation.

A raised hand from the president helped to calm him somewhat. “Don’t get me wrong. I agree that cybernization, if not checked, has the potential to run amuck and change the very basics of our society. But throughout history, attempts to ban new technologies and new ways of thinking have always been unsuccessful. And it shouldn’t be the role of government to determine the course of society.”

The speaker carefully placed the padd onto the desk. “I would agree with you, Mister President, if we were talking about a natural occurring process. But this is not. This is not simply changing our society, it is changing ourselves by artificial means. The first step is cyberization. Replacing your limbs with artificial ones because the implants are stronger and more reliable. Then comes enhancing your brain so that we can link together and become a society of drones not unlike the Borg. And then what, I ask? After we lost all individuality what is not to say that we will become just like the Borg? What is not to say that this is exactly how they started out? Do Can we risk becoming just like them, roaming through the galaxy like merciless predators, ever expanding and destroying that which we deem inferior?”

President Kentii’la glanced back towards the Paris skyline, still being dominated for hundreds of years by the unique design of the Eiffel Tower, one of Earth’s greatest testaments to the fusion of technology and individualism. “It is difficult to argue with a point based on hypotheses.”

“I tell you what is not an hypothesis but solid fact. I have learned from reliable sources that Starfleet has been looking into the option of utilizing full body androids for military operations.”

If Kentii’la attempted to appear surprised he failed. Something in eyes revealed that he was fully aware of those rumors. “Starfleet already has androids.”

“Yes, one. And it “ he “ serves as an officer on a starship and is fully self-conscious. A court has ruled that he is in fact a sentient being. We have created a sentient being. Starfleet wants thousands just like him. Creating life from nothing and making it appear just like us. There will be no way to distinguish them from us.”

The president sighed. “This administration will continue to support any legislation limiting cybernization. Shall we move on to the next issue?”

“Certainly,” Jarni said and reached for his padd again. “Cardassian reconstruction.”

The president nodded. “A matter I am very dedicated to as you are aware.”

“Of course. And so am I. The Council has voted to increase resources being used for the reconstruction effort by fifteen percent. However we are now quickly reaching a point where we are unable to produce enough resources to meet the rising demand. What I would suggest ““

The doors to the presidential office opened and Trelu-Chi Sill entered in a hurry. He seemed upset. “Mister President, Mister Speaker I apologize for this intrusion but we have a situation unfolding I believe you should be made aware of immediately.”

The president showed no signs of irritation and simply nodded towards his adviser.

Sill on the other hand froze for a moment, shooting a quick glance at the president’s visitor.

“It is quite alright, Mister Sill, we do not keep secrets from the Council.”

Sill nodded and proceeded to the wall screen. “I have Admiral Tessier for you on the emergency channel.”

Both the president and the leader of the Council perked up. This could only mean bad news.

The face of the auburn-haired Starfleet officer appeared on the screen. Her bloodshot eyes and barely wrinkled skin, making her look slightly closer to her actual age than usual. “Mister President,” she began right away. I regret to inform you that the USS Tripoli has been destroyed.


“We do not have all the information yet, but according to Nyuchiban security forces our ship was attacked by Asukan rebels, claiming sovereignty over the entire system. Initial estimates point to a complete loss with less than fifty survivors.”

The President was visibly shaken. “Of how many?”

“The Tripoli had a crew of seven hundred and eighty, sir.”

When nobody refused to break the silence that had ensued, Tessier continued. “We have assembled a task force just outside Nyuchiban territory which could arrive at Asuka III within a day.”

“A task force?” asked Sill. “How did you mange to assemble ships this quickly, Admiral?” Sill smiled but his voice was not without a hint of accusation.

Tessier noticed this. “As you may be aware, Mister Sill, the Nyuchiban Confederacy borders a number of territories hostile to the Federation which have actively supported piracy and border incursions into our territory. For the last few decades Nyuchiba has served as an essential buffer to our vulnerable colonies close to the border. But since the Asuka conflict their forces have not been able to protect their own borders and piracy has been on the upswing.”

The president did not miss the venom Tessier directed towards his advisor. “Admiral, nobody is disputing your intentions on protecting our borders. But I do not wish to make a hasty decisions at this time.”

“I understand, Mister President. But please allow me to move the task force to Asuka in order to investigate the destruction of the Tripoli and rescue the survivors.”

“If I may, Mister President,” said Jarni who had listen carefully to everything that had been said.

Kentii’la nodded for him to proceed.

“Admiral, what ships are part of this task force?”

The admiral shot the speaker a surprised look, revealing for just a moment that she had not anticipated this question. She glanced off the screen for a second. “The Sutherland is the lead vessel. Then there is Eagle, Independence and ““

“I’m sorry, Admiral, I didn’t make myself clear,” Jarni interrupted. “What I meant to ask was, what kind of ships are part of this task force? Do you have for example any battleships, hospital ships, transports and so forth?”

Tessier didn’t appear to like the direction this line of questioning was taking. “Sir, with respect, Starfleet does not have battleships.”

Jarni smiled. “My apologies, Admiral. I am not overly familiar with starship terminology.”

“The task force is comprised of two heavy cruisers, three frigates, two escorts and four transport vessels,” the admiral explained with forced patience.

“That appears to be a very large number of transport ships to rescue fifty survivors,” Jarni said.

The admiral didn’t respond right away. The cunning politician had maneuvered her into a position she had tried to avoid. She considered her answer carefully. “The transports have other functions.”

“Would you mind elaborating, Admiral?” asked Sill. His smile was widening almost as if he took comfort in the knowledge that the admiral had been found out.

“They carry Marines,” she said. But then quickly added. “A standard procedure in this kind of situation. After all a large number of the survivors might have fallen prisoner to the enemy. We require sufficient troops to carry out effective rescue operations.”

The president had heard enough. “Admiral, you may dispatch one of your cruisers to Asuka III. Keep the Marines on station and the rest of the task force to secure the border.”

Tessier was not pleased at this concession but did her best to hide it. She wasn’t all too successful. “Understood. Thank you, Mister President. Tessier out.”

Her image vanished from the screen.

“Mister Speaker, I’m certain you understand that given these developments our meeting will have to be postponed.”

Jarni nodded and stood. “Of course. I would just like to stress that you can depend on the Council to stand behind you in this crisis. But please also consider that the prevailing notion is that Federation resources are stretched to a breaking point already. Another crisis might evaporate the support of key members of the Council.”

“Mister Speaker, I appreciate your advice as always.”

“Thank you, Mister President,” he said and quickly strode out of the office.

As soon as the doors had closed behind him Sill turned to face Kentii’la. “Why did that sound like a threat to me?”

“The Council wants us to leave Nyuchiba alone, it is not a secret.”

The advisor approached the desk. “We might not have that luxury. Not only is Nyuchiba one of our most important trade partners, we might also be bound by treaty to assist them with any crisis they ask us for help with.”

The president rubbed his temples. “If Starfleet had its way we’d invade Asuka III within a few weeks. If we leave it to the Council we turn our back to our most important ally in the sector.”

The Andorian smiled. “They call you the Compromiser for a reason, sir.”

The grin on the President’s lips was so small it hardly looked like a grin at all. Then it was gone completely. “I want this crisis resolved as quickly as possible. We have too much to worry about to be distracted by this. Advise the Diplomatic Corps to make this their top priority and step up their efforts to find a solution. Have them dispatch more mediators if necessary. “

“That might work in the long run but what do we do about the escalating violence on Asuka III?”

“We’ll have to increase support of the Confederacy. Supply them with more resources and equipment in order to pacify Asuka themselves.”

The president noticed his advisor’s skeptical eyes. “It will have to work.”

Sill nodded and headed for the exit. He stopped short of leaving. “Mister President, we cannot afford to lose Asuka III.”

“You’re beginning to sound a lot like Tessier.”

“I hate to be the one to point it out, sir, but this situation could seriously damage your bid for re-election next year.”

“I refuse to have my polices guided by what is best for my campaign,” said the president, only slightly masking his anger.

“I understand your stance but please consider this. You took office with the promise to create a stable and peaceful Alpha Quadrant and we are well on our way to realize those ambitions. The reconstruction of Cardassia, renewed diplomatic ties with the Tzenkethi and Alshain and stable peace and trade treaties with the Gorn and the Tholians are all key elements of this plan which are now at their most critical stages. They require widespread support or we risk the collapse of our entire agenda. And as you know most of your political opponents are waiting for exactly that to happen. If you were to lose your reelection bid and one of your rivals were to take the office, the Federation would quickly reverse course on most if not all those initiatives.”

“You are suggesting that my legacy is at stake?”

“Mister President,” Sill said. "I am suggesting that if we lose Nyuchiba, we might lose our best hope for lasting peace in the Alpha Quadrant.”

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