Mech watched the sun rise over the city from the thirty-eighth floor of the Civic Center Tower, an imposing glass structure build on top of the old Museum of Asian Culture which still contained the largest collection of ancient Asian art in Federation space.
“Let me make sure I get this straight. You are saying that a high-ranking Starfleet officer wants you dead and already almost succeeded in killing you by utilizing a UEDA orbital weapon's platform. The very same man being in leagues with a stims dealing criminal we only recently found out to be an android with links to Michael Gary Grayson.”
Mech had crossed her arms in front of her chest as her gaze had wandered towards the civic center square below. The iconic domed city hall building across the street was still dark but would be bustling with activity soon enough.
Masamune leaned back in his heavy swivel chair, his hawk like eyes watching Mech’s back intently. “And I suppose you have no evidence to support any of this.”
Masamune nodded. “We have gathered some circumstantial evidence to suggest links between the android we have nicknamed Mister Black and Grayson since we have begun to investigate this case a few months ago. I find it difficult to believe however Starfleet could be involved. I’m admittedly not their greatest admirer but to suggest they might be tied up in a criminal enterprise right here in this city is a difficult implication to digest.”
“May that as it be,” Mech said and turned to face the old man, “I know that they want me out of the picture.”
“But why? Up until now you haven’t even been involved in this case.”
“Let’s just say I might have snooped around in places somebody does not want me to look.”
A small smile crossed Masamune’s features. “You do have a talent for that. But what exactly have you been looking into and how does it relate to my case?”
The young woman avoided eye contact.
“Come on now, don’t play coy with me. Clearly we’ve stumbled upon something here which is bigger than we both imagined. Let us pool our resources and get to the bottom of this together.”
Now Mech cracked her lips for a slight grin. “You don’t give up, do you?”
“It makes sense. The way I see it I need you and you ““
“I can do this on my own,” she interrupted. “I don’t need your help.”
The chief of MSD leaned back in his high-back chair again and studied her carefully. “If we were to deal with another run-of-the-mill cyber-gangster back on Nyuchiba then yes, no doubt you could handle it with ease. But this is different and I know you’ve realized this. Go ahead, try and do this by yourself. Face Grayson, a man with seemingly limitless resources, take on all of Starfleet and the Federation government. And then what’s next? You’ll conquer the Klingon Empire single handedly?”
At this Mech laughed. She didn’t much and it was a very subtle sound, almost forced.
“I’m not saying that by joining me you’ll have a free hand to deal with Grayson and Starfleet as you like. But as far as this city is concerned we have far reaching powers. We can investigate who we want and what we want.”
“This is bigger than this city.”
Masamune nodded in agreement. “I know. But let’s take things one step at a time. For right now everything seems to come together here. Let’s concentrate on that first.”
She couldn’t argue with that. Everything she had found out so far was pointing decisively to the City at the Bay. This was the focus point of whatever events had been set in motion.
“Fine,” Mech said after a few seconds of consideration. “As long as you understand that this is a temporary alliance. And I don’t want to have to worry about power struggles or be slowed down by bothersome regulations.”
Masamune stood. “You’ll be team leader with a wide range of pre-emptive authority. However you’ll have to be flexible too. Every playground has rules, some of which we’ll be able to bend but not all. Play fair and I promise I will try to do whatever I can to keep the heat off your back.”
Mech grinned. “We’ve got a deal,” she said and shook Masamune’s hand.
“Where are you going to start?”
Mech considered that question for a moment. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the fact that Whren didn’t recognize me even though he tried to have me killed. I spoke to him only very shortly before Black intervened but he mentioned a large scale operation and something tells me it’s going to happen right here. We need to get our hands on him again.”
Masamune shook his head. “That’d be difficult. We don’t have jurisdiction at Starfleet Headquarters and if Whren is as guilty as you make him sound, he’s going to make damn sure he’s not going to leave Starfleet premises. Short of infiltrating their compound we can pretty much forget of getting close to the man.”
Mech’s eyes sparkled.
“You can’t be serious. That’s even out of your league.”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “There might be another way.”
The doors to the office opened to allow the CCiD team members to enter. Most of them looked tired. Their heads hung low due to the less than successful mission the night before. The dampened mood was palpable.
“Excellent,” said Masamune. “Time for introductions.”
Tank‘s spirits rose almost instantly “He finally got you convinced, didn’t he? About time you came aboard. It’ll be just like old times.”
“I hope not,” Mech replied with an eye wink.
“You’ve already met Gavin Thorgood,” said Masamune.
“Welcome to CCiD,” the young agent said.
Mech gave him a nod.
“The rest of the team, please meet Miss McLaren.”
“Mech will be fine,” she was quick to point out.
“Sly Martinez, our weapons and equipment expert; the newest member of the team, Bobbie Case, cybernetics specialist; Eldex from Benzar knows about everything you would ever need to know about computer systems; Hailey Rodgers pilots our SAFVe and of course you’ve run into Jackson Slade.”
Each team member gave Mech a friendly smile. The only two exceptions, Bobbie Case who seemed to be bursting with exhilaration and Slade who completely ignored the new member and instead kept his gaze focus on the man in charge.
“And in what capacity exactly is Miss McLaren joining us?” he asked.
Masamune locked eyes with the dark haired man. “She’ll be taking over as team leader. Temporarily.”
Slade took a step forward. “I know that I messed up yesterday, letting that Starfleet officer fool me in giving up that body ““
“You practically gave it to them on a silver platter,” said Tank.
Slade ignored the snide comment. “But this treatment is uncalled for. You can’t just replace me like this.”
“Perhaps this discussion is better suited for a more private ““
Slade shook his head, interrupting the chief. “There is no need to pamper me, sir. If you want me out you can just say so.”
Masamune showed no signs of irritation. “Very well. The truth is I was not pleased at all at the way you handled the situation yesterday. But it is not the reason why I have asked Mech to take command. As you might all be aware by now we are facing bigger challenges than a local ring of stims dealers. Mech here brings a number of unique skills to the table which will become extremely useful to us. I had tried to recruit her before and she has now agreed to my request.”
Slade sill looked skeptical.
“Don’t be fooled by her appearance,” Masamune continued. “She has plenty of experience and we worked together previously in a very similar situation. And Slade, I asked you to join this team for a reason. Your background as a Starfleet officer and Marine make you invaluable to us, especially now. So I do understand if you wish to leave but I’d rather you stayed and helped us getting to the bottom of this.”
The room fell quiet as the first rays of the rising sun hit the windows. Most eyes were focused on Jackson Slade.
He sat down on the couch along the wall. “You’ll still need discipline on this team and the way I see it I’m the best person for that job, no matter who's running the show.”
Masamune nodded.
Tank shrugged his shoulders with indifference.
“But what about our case?” said Gavin. “We lost our best lead with Black. We’re back to square one.”
“Not necessarily,” Mech replied and removed a tiny green chip from a pocket in her dark leather jacket. She placed it on the Masamune’s desk.
“What’s that?” asked the rookie.
Bobbie Case had quickly moved forward to inspect the chip. It contained a green liquid and appeared to be dented in a few places. “It’s a bio-neural memory chip like the ones used in the latest android models.”
“It’s from Black, isn’t it?” Tank said. “It’s his memory core. You lifted it just before Starfleet beamed away the body, you crafty little thing.”
Mech smiled. “Analyzing it should give us some more insights into the android’s movements.”
“It has been damaged,” said Bobbie Case after inspecting it closer. When she looked up again there was nothing but unbridled optimism sparkling in her large eyes. “But I’m sure we’re going to be able to squeeze some information out of it.” She turned to look at Eldex.
The Benzite nodded. “We should get on that right away.”
“Excellent,” said Masamune. “We’re also due to get some new equipment and I want everybody to familiarize themselves as soon as possible. We’ve got plenty of work to do, people.”
With that the team members began to file out of the room. Mech hung behind a little bit, as if to avoid to be swept up by the others. Before she was able to slip out of the room however, Masamune called for her and she turned around to look at her mentor.
“I don’t want this to be like Nyuchiba. You have a team and I except you to work with it. I do not appreciate those solo heroics of yours.”
She gave him a sly grin. “I’ve never been much of a people person, you know that,” she said before leaving the room.