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TNG 19x12 - “NICE TRY

Enterprise figures out that the placement of stolen Soong-type androids around the Federation means that as Starfleet reacts, it will completely abandon one system – Tirana, where they investigated a missing ship (TNG “Search and Rescue”). Furious, the Gorn Imperator admits to Bacco that the entire conference was a deliberate distraction from something the Breen are up to. The idea of the Gorn leaving the Typhon Pact was a ruse before – now it might be the truth. Enterprise arrives at Tirana and finds the Breen excavating a ship with a Mirror Universe quantum signature. If they can’t have the Federation’s slipstream drive, maybe they can have the MU Galactic Commonwealth’s wormhole drive instead. With Starfleet recalled from the Breen’s distractions, Enterprise intimidates them enough to give up and go. For ordering this ridiculous project and squandering such valuable assets with nothing to show for it, the Breen ministers depose Domo Brex...



To gain custody of Miral, Julia Paris must prove that Tom and B’Elanna are unfit parents. She accuses her son of still being a reckless, irresponsible youth, and B’Elanna of abandoning her newborn baby to follow some arcane Klingon ritual (VOY “Homecoming”). Paris tells the court that B’Elanna is pregnant again – Julia instantly builds a nursery and brings parades of friends to testify to her childrearing capability. Paris calls in everyone he ever knew from Voyager – Sam Wildman, Vorik, the Delaney sisters, even B’Elanna’s father John Torres. Finally Tom and his mother speak alone; no matter what she thinks, he will not let his children feel abandoned by their parents, like both he and B’Elanna did. The mediator believes that Julia has valid points, but it is not Tom’s relationship with his daughter that is troubled – it is the one with his mother. Tom has won, but he decides he needs to stay on Earth for a while and rebuild their relationship...

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