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T’Ryssa Chen manages to talk the Gorn down from firing on Enterprise. With proof Data did not murder the Intelligence operative, he is released from custody. He and LaForge probe the captured android and learn that it is Soong-type, remote-controlled with a Tholian brain connected via Breen tech. Breen ministers urge the Domo to abandon his plans before it is too late, but he refuses. Thot Konar questions his new orders, as they would waste vitally important assets. He is told to have faith in the Domo. The Breen’s last two remote-control androids make a frontal assault on the conference compound. Despite a desperate defence by Starfleet, Data and the Gorn, the androids make it right in front of Bacco before being stopped. Thot Konar executes the remote control operators to cover his tracks, then sends another signal. Starfleet reacts to readings of Soong-type androids on dozens of worlds...



The Full Circle fleet splits up. Janeway stays at the First World, which the Confederacy see as sacred after the “Source” led them to it via the Streams, saving them from the Borg. Voyager tries to map the Streams, and B’Elanna determines they are not naturally occurring. Galen’s Cmdr Glenn comes across a child stabbed in the street. He cannot get decent medical care because his family is “unproductive”, and despite Glenn’s best efforts, the child dies. O’Donnell takes Demeter to a farming world already exhausted beyond use, its citizens abandoned by the Confederacy for also being “unproductive”, even though it wasn’t their fault. Vesta goes back to the Gateway Stream, and finds that the alien alliance is gaining new members every day. An all-out attack can’t be far off. Finally, Janeway attends a public worship ceremony, but Lt Lasren reads that everyone there is faking it, instead filled with emptiness and terror...

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