Episode 23 - JAG Wars - Now the flagship of a new fleet of ultra-fast Prowler Class patrol vessels, the U.S.S. Hunter and its new captain are on the front lines of growing strife within the Federation...
Episode 24 - A Trillian Problem - The U.S.S. Hunter's new captain is about to be tested in back-to-back police actions on the Vulcan and Andorian colonies on Weythan and on Trillus Prime...
Episode 25 - I Dream of Shiva - While Captain Dolphin stands trial for his actions on Trillus Prime, a terrifying new religion is taking hold deep within the Romulan Star Empire...
Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation,
Deep Space Nine,
Expanded Universes Characters: Bashir, Julian,
Crusher, Wesley,
Doctor, The,
La Forge, Geordi,
Genre: Action/AdventureWarnings: Adult Language,
Adult Situations,
Character Death,
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 50
Completed: Yes
Word count: 49666
Read: 54870
Published: 16 Dec 2020
Updated: 27 May 2021
1. Episode 23.1 - JAG Wars: The Prodigal Sum Returns by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1275 words)
Pomm Irons is back, along with his family and someone everyone thought was dead... And someone newly dead and reborn...
2. Episode 23 - JAG Wars by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(907 words)
Introduction by Justice Minerva Irons
3. Episode 23.2 - JAG Wars: The Prowler Class by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1641 words)
Commander Dolphin has been selected by Admiral Yasutake to lead a mission involving several Prowler Class starships...
4. Episode 23.3 - JAG Wars: Coins and Marks by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(985 words)
Ambassador Dewayne Guth retrieves Flight Specialist Jennifer Hopper from New Romulus on Vulcan (NRV) space...
5. Episode 23.4 - JAG Wars: Second Officer by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(551 words)
A second officer for the Hunter is selected...
6. Episode 23.5 - JAG Wars: The Shadow of Death by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(469 words)
Shiva takes command of The Shadow of Death...
7. Episode 23.6 - JAG Wars: Minerva by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(943 words)
The Doctor, Wesley Crusher and alien Bob (the traveler) travel to a living spaceship....
8. Episode 23.7 - JAG Wars: The Hudson River Massacre by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1161 words)
Starlight and River Dolphin and the half-vulcan Smith brothers, are in a sailboat, station keeping in the Hudson River during a fog event...
9. Episode 23.8 - JAG Wars: Mercenaries by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1181 words)
Rear Admiral Chekov and the captains planning to assist at Weythan learn of a new threat - cardassian mercenaries...
10. Episode 23.9 - JAG Wars: The Trillian Ultimatum by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(857 words)
Just as things are going from bad to worse, something horrible is happening to the native population of Trillus Prime...
11. Episode 23.10 - JAG Wars: Space Superiority by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(618 words)
First objective at Waythen: Space Superiority...
12. Episode 23.11 - JAG Wars: The Venus Incident by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(867 words)
Something happens on Venus...
13. Episode 23.12 - JAG Wars: First Strike at Weythan by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1356 words)
The Hunter tactical group gets the party started at Weythan...
14. Episode 23.13 - JAG Wars: Sanctuary by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1437 words)
A trill family makes a daring escape from the Trillian Master Forces...
15. Episode 23.14 - JAG Wars: Emergency Powers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(955 words)
The Federation President and President-Elect announce new emergency powers granted by the Federation Council...
16. Episode 23.15 - JAG Wars: Venus First by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(540 words)
The Alpha Quadrant's most ruthless and dangerous terrorist organization releases a statement of its own...
This is the final scene for Episode 23. The story continues in Episode 24: A Trillian Problem.
17. Episode 24.1: A Trillian Problem - The Arduous Work of Heroes by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(487 words)
The most effective people are those who do their homework.
18. Episode 24.2: A Trillian Problem - The Dream Team by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1408 words)
The Dream Weaver is used for long distance conferencing...
19. Episode 24.3: A Trillian Problem - Rumor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1106 words)
Meanwhile, in a damaged escape pod tumbling without power toward Trillus Prime...
20. Episode 24: A Trillian Problem by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(855 words)
Introduction by Dr. Kenny Dolphin
21. Episode 24.4: A Trillian Problem - The Pool of the Symbionts by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1235 words)
Lt. Grorher leads the Boel family into the Sanctuary of the Symbiants...
22. Episode 24.5: A Trillian Problem - The War of Fog by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(974 words)
The fog of war is about to get far more intense... thanks to a pissed off climatoligist...
23. Episode 24.6: A Trillian Problem - The Temple at Aiden on Saketh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(577 words)
Deep in the heart of the Romulan Star Empire, a savage new religion gains a foothold with an enslaved race...
24. Episode 24.7: A Trillian Problem - General Hialal Mulaax by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1222 words)
The Sanctuary of the Symbionts is under seige...
25. Episode 24.8: A Trillian Problem - Cinqronicity by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1033 words)
CONTENT WARNING: Intense Material.
The next chapter provides a summary.
26. Episode 24.8: A Trillian Problem - Cinqronicity - Author's Summary by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (208 words)
Author's Summary of the preceding chapter
27. Episode 24.9: A Trillian Problem - The Hammer and the Anvil by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(665 words)
General Mulaax unleashes an artillary barrage on the Sanctuary of the Symbionts - and the Star Fleet personnel defending it...
28. Episode 24.10: A Trillian Problem - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed... by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(481 words)
Jet Traxx makes her first appearance as a joined trill...
29. Episode 24.11: A Trillian Problem - Traxx and Spies by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(817 words)
Captain Dolphin meets Jet Traxx
30. Episode 24.12: A Trillian Problem - Sacred Ground by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1096 words)
An announcement from the President and President-Elect of the U.S.S. Hunter...
31. Episode 24.13: A Trillian Problem - A Good Snooze by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(916 words)
Old Man Crusher, alien Bob and The Doctor awaken aboard the Lavardorn (a space whale) and meet the Lavardorn's humanoidish avatar...
32. Episode 24.14: A Trillian Problem - It Takes A Village by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(944 words)
General Mulaax's soldiers march through the fog to retreat to the local villages...
33. Episode 24.15: A Trillian Problem - Tribunal Justice Cisl Mreek by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(554 words)
The infamous tellerite Tribunal Justice arrives. And she brought a really big ship...
34. Episode 24.16: A Trillian Problem - The Children of Rising Sun by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1055 words)
An announcement about the Hudson River Massacre...
35. Episode 24.17: A Trillian Problem - The Tears of a Clown by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1636 words)
Captain Dolphin receives an unexpected visitor...
36. Episode 24.18: A Trillian Problem - Jet Traxx by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1347 words)
Jet Traxx calls a reconstruction conference in Laren Manev and reconstitutes the Trill Senate...
37. Episode 24.19: A Trillian Problem - Red, Flowers and Wine by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1235 words)
Captain Dolphin has an appointment aboard the U.S.S. Ark...
This is the final scene for Episode 24. The story continues in Episode 25: I Dream of Shiva.
38. Episode 25: I Dream of Shiva by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (617 words)
Introduction from the Bhagavad-Gita and J. Robert Oppenheimer.
39. Episode 25.1: I Dream of Shiva - Snakes and Ladders by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(834 words)
Shiva's high priest is making converts among a traveling salt mining camp...
40. Episode 25.2: I Dream of Shiva - Come Fly With Me by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(988 words)
Lt. Grorher meets with Lt. Cmdr. Gamor aboard the U.S.S. Milky Way...
41. Episode 25.3: I Dream of Shiva - Wheel In The Sky by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1266 words)
A romulan bureaucrat with his hemra slave.
*This chapter might creep you out...
42. Episode 25.4: I Dream of Shiva - Get Brack by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1116 words)
Captain Dolphin has been sued by the Trillian Master Forces. But with a ferengi lawyer, how can he lose?
43. Episode 25.5: I Dream of Shiva - Dream Weaver by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(809 words)
Remma prepares to use the Dream Weaver along with Shiva...
44. Episode 25.6: I Dream of Shiva - Terms and Conditions by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1358 words)
Captain Dolphin is called to testify before the infamous tellerite justice, Cisl Mreek...
45. Episode 25.7: I Dream of Shiva - Waterfront by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(928 words)
A pair of romulan detectives are called on to solve a grisly murder...
46. Episode 25.8: I Dream of Shiva - Johnny Be Good by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1440 words)
The Director of Section 31 gives an assignment to one of his top agents...
47. Episode 25.9: I Dream of Shiva - Bad Moon on the Rise by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1256 words)
In the Chicolo Forest on Saketh, mayhem is catching fire...
48. Episode 25.10: I Dream of Shiva - Sailing by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1236 words)
Meanwhile, on a sailboat on the Valor Sea on Bajor...
49. Episode 25.11: I Dream of Shiva - Murder By Numbers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1060 words)
Sela dreams of flying...
50. Episode 25.12: I Dream of Shiva - Dr. Who by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1164 words)
A former crewmember makes an unexpected return to the U.S.S. Hunter...
This is the final scene for Episode 25. The story continues in Part 9 of 9, Episode 26 - Rain Over Rising Sun.