[Reviews - 47] LikedPrinter

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 (Yeah... No Jeri Ryan jokes, please...) 


Episode 20 - Survival - The U.S.S. Hunter returns to far side of the Romulan Star Empire in search of their missing 1st and 2nd officers...


Episode 21 - The Enemy of My Enemy - The U.S.S. Hunter has been captured by the Romulans and taken into the hold of an enormous Romulan Battlegod...


Episode 22 - Sacrifice - Justice Minerva Irons must sacrifice everything to prevent war between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire...

Rated: T
Categories: Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes, Next Generation Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 48 Completed: Yes
Word count: 51850 Read: 46044
Published: 18 Jul 2020 Updated: 11 Dec 2020

1. Episode 20.1: Survival - - How Did Hugh Know by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (739 words)

3rd of 5 (Hugh) knows how to find something that the crew of the U.S.S. Hunter desparately want...

2. Episode 20.2: Survival - - The First Signal by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (584 words)

Kenny Dolphin has put Napoleon Boles in the Captain's chair...

3. Episode 20.3: Survival - Grooming Napoleon by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (811 words)

Commander Dolphin is intent on getting Dr. Boles into shape...

4. Episode 20.4: Survival - - A Woman's Intuition by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (675 words)

Romulan Star Navy Supreme Commander Sela organizes a search for a federation vessel rumored to be operating in romulan space...

5. Episode 20: Survival - - Introduction by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (706 words)

Introduction to Episode 20: Survival by Commander Tali Shae, Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Hunter.

6. Episode 20.5: Survival - - Rescue Planning by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1343 words)

Lt. Commander Tauk explains a daring rescue plan...

7. Episode 20.6: Survival - - Doctor Prometheus by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1062 words)

Wesley Crusher stranded The Doctor (Voyager) on a remote, lifeless planet. For three years. WHY??

8. Episode 20.7: Survival - - Blue Morning, Blue Day by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1140 words)

Dr. Boles is in for a terrible day. In fact, it stinks...

9. Episode 20.8: Survival - - The Ghost by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1289 words)

The Romulan Star Navy is in pursuit of a ghost... and they capture it!!

10. Episode 20.9: Survival - - Roat Farm 1-A-179,792 by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1657 words)

The captured crew of the U.S.S. Hunter are put out to pasture...

11. Episode 20.10: Survival - - Taking Stock by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (537 words)

While Justice Minerva Irons and her crew learn about the farm that is their prison, the Romulans try to gain entry to the captive U.S.S. Hunter...

12. Episode 20.11: Survival - - Passive Aggression by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (783 words)

While Supreme Commander Sela tries to gain access to the U.S.S. Hunter, Justice Irons' plan springs into action.

13. Episode 20.12: Survival - - Pepperheart by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1103 words)

Commander Dolphin and Lt. Commander Tauk find the missing David Pepper and Mlady aboard a derelict Klingon Bird of Prey...

14. Episode 20.13: Survival - - Breaking Buddy by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (789 words)

Napoleon Boles saddle-breaks a ferocious beast...

15. Episode 20.14: Survival - - The Inevitable by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (503 words)

Lt. Commander Tauk saves Lt. Commander Mlady's life.

This is the final scene for Episode 20. The story continues in Episode 21 - The Enemy of My Enemy.

16. Episode 21.1: The Enemy of My Enemy - Battlegod by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (465 words)

The borg have engaged Supreme Commander Sela's flagship - the I.R.W. Bestia...

17. Episode 21: The Enemy of My Enemy - - Introduction by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (569 words)

18. Episode 21.2: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Blue Romulan by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1013 words)

The I.R.W. Bestia is under attack by superior forces and the crew of the U.S.S. Hunter cannot avoid getting caught up in the battle...

19. Episode 21.3: The Enemy of My Enemy - Strapped Down by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (599 words)

About half of the crew are beamed into the hanger. The rest are scattered about the ship.

20. Episode 21.4: The Enemy of My Enemy - Buddy and the Borg by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1045 words)

The giant moose/bear-like romulan anaixes squares off against the borg...

21. Episode 21.5: The Enemy of My Enemy - Read Later by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (875 words)

Commander Dolphin learns the fate of his late 1st Officer - Commander David Pepper.

22. Episode 21.6: The Enemy of My Enemy - - Escape by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (613 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter leaves the hangar

23. Episode 21.7: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Wreck of the I.K.V. 'Iw Hov by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1076 words)

Commander Pepper's last words.

24. Episode 21.8: The Enemy of My Enemy - A Big Enough Lever by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1023 words)

Federation dignitaries inspect the U.S.S. Ark under construction in orbit of the Bolian homeworld..

25. Episode 21.9: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Second Cube by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1001 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter and the I.R.W. Bestia both have a problem - and the solution is the second cube...

26. Episode 21.10: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Fourth Signal by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1141 words)

Mlady has re-entered hibernation - and her communicator is transmitting a beacon signal again..

27. Episode 21.11: The Enemy of My Enemy - Promethosaurus Rex by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (669 words)

The king of predators is hunting Wesley Crusher on a dead planet...

28. Episode 21.12: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Next Generation by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1481 words)

Supreme Commander Sela and her team strategize in the wake of the U.S.S. Hunter's escape.

29. Episode 21.13: The Enemy of My Enemy - Dolphin Hunting by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1234 words)

The crew is looking for Commander Dolphin...

30. Episode 21.14: The Enemy of My Enemy - Truth Seekers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1190 words)

In a podcast, Emory Ivonovic warns his billions of listeners against complacency in the face of dark conspiracies...

31. Episode 21.15: The Enemy of My Enemy - You Are Cordially Invited by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (839 words)

Sela, the Supreme Commander of the Romulan Star Navy, has an invitation for Justice Minerva Irons...

32. Episode 21.16: The Enemy of My Enemy - The Sleep of the Just by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1639 words)

Chief Justice Julian Bashir, the Director of Section 31, visits Justice Minerva Irons in a dream...

This is the final scene for Episode 21. The story continues in Episode 22 - Sacrifice.

33. Episode 22.1: Sacrifice - - The JAG Fleet by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1725 words)

Several crew members are leaving and many new recruits are brought in to take their places...

34. Episode 22.2: Sacrifice - - A Little Tune-Up by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (629 words)

The first officer of the U.S.S. Hunter encounters the first officer of Star Base 11...

35. Episode 22.3: Sacrifice - - Passengers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1524 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter has a passenger - the most powerful man in the Alpha Quadrant...

36. Episode 22: Sacrifice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (495 words)

Introduction by Dr. Mlady from her autobiography...

37. Episode 22.4: Sacrifice - Shuttle Diplomacy by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1322 words)

Hunter's youngest pilot shuttles Justice Irons to stand trial on Vulcan...

38. Episode 22.5: Sacrifice - The Great Waterbirds of Pern by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1623 words)

Ushi Irons is moved to tears by a new experience...

39. Episode 22.6: Sacrifice - The Balcony by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1941 words)

Justice Irons and Jennifer Hopper meet with the most powerful hybrid in either the Alpha or Beta Quadrant...

40. Episode 22.7: Sacrifice - Sweet Madam Blue by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1777 words)

In a faraway galaxy, the spirit of a woman from 20th Century Earth is mated with another soul...

41. Episode 22.8: Sacrifice - The Shadowhounds of Aveadega by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (533 words)

On the forest moon of Avradega in the Andor system, shadowhounds pursue their prey...

42. Episode 22.9: Sacrifice - An Imperial Request by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1320 words)

Emperor Sin IV has a request that will propel Councilmember Emory Ivonovic to his destiny...

43. Episode 22.10: Sacrifice - The Witness by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (887 words)

Justice Irons and Flight Specialist Hopper are not exactly prisoners on Vulcan...

44. Episode 22.11: Sacrifice - Buzz Conference by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1410 words)

Commander Dolphin meets with Rear Admiral Checkov - and has a later meeting with Captain Red...

45. Episode 22.12: Sacrifice - Justice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1814 words)

The trial of Justice Minerva Irons begins...

46. Episode 22.13: Sacrifice - David and Goliath by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1845 words)

Commander Dolphin accidentally sets off his new imoginette transporter engineer, then has a conference with his Engineering Dept...

47. Episode 22.14: Sacrifice - One Single Vote by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (986 words)

An unpopular law passes by a single vote - cast by Ushi Irons...

48. Episode 22.15: Sacrifice - The Destroyer of Worlds by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1826 words)

The Destroyer of Worlds is revealed...

This is the final scene for Episode 22. The story continues in PART EIGHT, Episode 23: JAG Wars.