After nearly two years of grueling warfare, the Dominion War is finally over. However on a remote planet somewhere between Federation and Cardassian space, a brutal ground war between Starfleet Marines and Cardassian forces continues.
Now it is up to Eagle and Captain Michael Owens to stop a pointless battle before it can claim any more lives and to bring the war fatigued troops home.
In the meantime, tactical officer So'Dan Leva considers his next career move and first officer Tazla Star must face her controversial past if she ever hopes to leave it behind her for good.
Loyalties will be tested in the sixth Star Eagle Adventures novel.
Also available as an ebook here.
Rated: T
Categories: Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: The Star Eagle Adventures
Chapters: 54 Completed: Yes
Word count: 156195 Read: 116116
Published: 15 Sep 2014 Updated: 09 Oct 2015
1. Prologue by CeJay [Reviews - 5] (4384 words)
2. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (2528 words)
3. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 5] (2024 words)
4. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (3463 words)
5. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (3224 words)
6. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (2737 words)
7. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (1598 words)
8. Part I - The Elusive Peace: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (2460 words)
9. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (3861 words)
10. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1050 words)
11. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1396 words)
12. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (1408 words)
13. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (1690 words)
14. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (2591 words)
15. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2851 words)
16. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 8 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1454 words)
17. Part II - The Never-Ending War: 9 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1740 words)
18. Part III - The Olive Branch: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2820 words)
19. Part III - The Olive Branch: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2422 words)
20. Part III - The Olive Branch: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2431 words)
21. Part III - The Olive Branch: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2378 words)
22. Part III - The Olive Branch: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1821 words)
23. Part III - The Olive Branch: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (3231 words)
24. Part III - The Olive Branch: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2107 words)
25. Part III - The Olive Branch: 8 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1446 words)
26. Part III - The Olive Branch: 9 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (1908 words)
27. Part III - The Olive Branch: 10 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (3903 words)
28. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1990 words)
29. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 4] (4296 words)
30. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2290 words)
31. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (3998 words)
32. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (3143 words)
33. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2456 words)
34. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (3094 words)
35. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 8 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2340 words)
36. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 9 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (3131 words)
37. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 10 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (1390 words)
38. Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 11 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (3424 words)
39. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (3385 words)
40. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (3179 words)
41. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2129 words)
42. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 3] (2969 words)
43. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2341 words)
44. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2860 words)
45. Part V: The Uneasy Truth: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (4667 words)
46. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (3057 words)
47. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (3640 words)
48. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 3 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (4578 words)
49. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 4 by CeJay [Reviews - 2] (2685 words)
50. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 5 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (4703 words)
51. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 6 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (4978 words)
52. Part VI: The Last Campaign: 7 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (5691 words)
53. Epilogue: 1 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (4104 words)
54. Epilogue: 2 by CeJay [Reviews - 1] (4751 words)