Rated: K
Categories: Original Series Characters: Corrigan, Andrew (Corry), Hanson, Abigail, Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, General, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Arc of the Wolf: Uncategorized, Arc of the Wolf
Chapters: 13 Completed: No
Word count: 9190 Read: 18395
Published: 25 Jul 2013 Updated: 17 Feb 2023
1. Flock of Seagulls by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (204 words)
Andy Corrigan comes up with a story that comes back to bite him in the rear.
2. Sty-n'-Fly by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (959 words)
Scotty, working at Lunar, on a particularly foul day.
3. A Treatise on Megafauna-- by SLWalker [Reviews - 0] (1407 words)
-- Regional Pronunciation, Night Sounds in Maine and the Mating Obnoxiousness of Foxes. Or: Scotty and Corry hang around the Wôbanakik Preserve and generally act about like you'd expect a couple of young twenty-somethings to act. Takes place between Faithful and Perfectly Good Sunday.
4. Antiques Dealers: A Coda by SLWalker [Reviews - 0] (777 words)
After A Treatise on Megafauna-- Corry has a story to tell, and Scotty gets another vocabulary expansion. (All my friends from Massachusetts, please forgive me.)
5. Regard by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (854 words)
Cor's father, Aaron, reflects upon the unlikely but not unwanted addition to his family. Set loosely around Bookends.
6. Old Recipes by SLWalker [Reviews - 0] (416 words)
Between Bookends and Lobster Wars, a recipe leads to a brief history lesson.
7. Wicked by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (325 words)
The aftermath of Lobster Wars, from Melinda Corrigan's point of view.
8. Cabbage by SLWalker [Reviews - 0] (277 words)
A team from the Churchill debates a 'discovery'.
9. Enduring by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (1144 words)
Scotty's no longer quite alone in his nightmares.
10. Case Closed by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (941 words)
Phil Boyce solves a mystery.
11. For the Hundredth Time... by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (526 words)
Scotty, Spock, a transwarp beaming formula and a well-orchestrated dance. Written for lil black dog.
12. Touchstones by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (945 words)
Scotty, trying to cope with what happened on Argelius II, at least long enough to get home.
13. Outside by SLWalker [Reviews - 1] (415 words)