[Reviews - 16] Printer
Summary: Response to the Crimes Challenge. Set in a retro future of New Kansas City, ex Starfleet Officer turned Private Detective Merrick Dylan takes a case full of interstellar intrigue and mystery.
Rated: M
Categories: Original Series, Alternate Original Series, Crossovers Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Adult Situations
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes
Word count: 12863 Read: 21171
Published: 15 Aug 2012 Updated: 17 Jun 2013
Story Notes:
A fun romp that pays tribute to Trek, pulp mags, and film noir.

1. Act One by the bluesman [Reviews - 3] (678 words)

2. Act 2 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (1460 words)

3. Act 3 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (1076 words)

4. Act 4 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (867 words)

5. Act 5 by the bluesman [Reviews - 1] (2248 words)

6. Act 6 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (890 words)

7. Act 7 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (1184 words)

8. Act 8 by the bluesman [Reviews - 2] (2264 words)
This chapter has a special guest.

9. Act 9 by the bluesman [Reviews - 0] (1993 words)

10. Epilpgue by the bluesman [Reviews - 0] (203 words)